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Spectral Snow Cat Missing Race Description #170

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 8 months ago

Description: A rare and mystical creature, the Spectral Snow Cat is a feline-like being made entirely of frozen snowflakes. Its body glitters and sparkles in the moonlight, reflecting the beauty of winter's icy landscape. These cats possess incredible speed and agility, able to move effortlessly over snowdrifts and glaciers. They also exhibit an innate affinity for magic, using their frigid essence to enhance their natural abilities and create devastating attacks. Although generally solitary creatures, they can occasionally be seen interacting with other magical beings or forming temporary alliances for mutual benefit.

Appearance: The Spectral Snow Cat appears as a large, majestic cat made entirely of frosted crystals. Its fur gleams like diamonds in the darkness, changing hues with the ambient light. Its eyes glow with an icy blue, reflecting the cold depths of the north wind. Standing on delicate, icy claws, these cats tower over most other animals in Myzan. They exude an aura of power and grace, making them awe-inspiring yet intimidating to behold.

History: Legend has it that the first Spectral Snow Cats were born from the tears of a goddess who wept over the desolation of her icy domain. Touched by her sorrow, she infused her tears with the essence of winter magic, transforming them into living creatures that would protect her realm. These cats quickly gained renown for their strength and cunning, becoming symbols of hope and resilience in even the bleakest of landscapes. Over time, they evolved into the powerful beings they are today, using their magic to adapt to changing environments and defend themselves against threats. While few in number, their presence remains felt throughout the frigid regions of Myzan, serving as guardians of the wintry wilds and reminders of the goddess's enduring love for her realm.