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Spirit of Undead Missing Race Description #171

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 9 months ago

Description: A unique type of undead, Spirits of Undead are the restless souls of the dead bound to serve their former masters through necromantic rituals. They retain memories of their past lives, giving them a semblance of intelligence and free will, although their primary purpose is to carry out the tasks assigned to them by their new controllers. These spirits are capable of manipulating elements such as ice, fire, and electricity, adding a dangerous element to their already formidable combat prowess. Despite their servitude, there is an underlying sense of anger and resentment towards their masters, fueling their desire for revenge and freedom.

Appearance: Spirits of Undead appear as transparent figures with ghostly features. Their bodies are translucent and semi-transparent, revealing veins and organs beneath their pale skin. They often bear wounds or injuries sustained during their mortal lives, which have now healed improperly, creating gruesome deformities. Their eyes glow with an unearthly light, shifting colors depending on their current emotional state. Unlike traditional zombies or skeletons, Spirits of Undead retain some semblance of mobility and agility, able to move swiftly and nimbly despite their decaying states.

History: Once ordinary people caught in the midst of the Reaper invasion, the Spirits of Undead were created through cruel necromantic practices designed to turn the tide of battle. By binding the souls of fallen soldiers to their bones, the Reapers hoped to create an army of powerful and loyal servants. However, instead of mindless automatons, they unleashed a force of vengeful spirits driven by pain and loss. These undead warriors fought against their new masters, using their elemental powers to exact retribution on those responsible for their plight. Despite efforts to control them, the Spirits of Undead proved to be unpredictable and volatile, often turning on their summoners or rebelling against orders. Eventually, they became a threat to both sides of the conflict, leaving behind a trail of destruction wherever they went. To this day, they continue to wander Myzan, seeking either redemption or release from their cursed existence.