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Spook Missing Race Description #172

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 9 months ago

Spook General Description: An elusive and mysterious race, Spoks are spectral beings that haunt the twilight realm between life and death. Their existence is shrouded in supernatural secrecy, making them hard to pinpoint or understand fully. They possess the ability to manipulate shadows and darkness, using it as camouflage and a weapon. Known for their eerie laughter and mischievous antics, Spoks enjoy playing tricks on unsuspecting mortals while remaining just out of sight. Though their motives remain unclear, many speculate that they derive pleasure from causing fear and confusion in others.

Appearance: Spoks resemble human-like silhouettes, appearing as little more than dark shapes that shift and morph with the shadows. Their eyes glow a sinister red, contrasting sharply with their otherwise featureless faces. They wear ragged, tattered cloaks that billow in the wind, further obscuring their forms. At any given moment, they might take on different appearances or sizes, making it nearly impossible to determine if multiple Spoks are present or if it's merely one shape-shifting individual.

History: No one knows for certain where Spoks come from or what drives them. Some legends suggest they are the spirits of the deceased trapped between planes, unable to find peace due to unfinished business or malicious intent. Others believe they are demonic tricksters sent to sow discord and chaos amongst the living. Regardless of their origin story, they have been known throughout history as harbingers of doom and despair. Spoks thrive on fear and feed off negative emotions, growing stronger with each terrified scream or broken spirit they encounter. Over time, they have developed a reputation as malevolent beings that delight in tormenting the innocent and spreading misery. Whether they truly are evil or simply misunderstood is open to interpretation, but one thing is certain - encounters with these spectral specters rarely end well for those involved.