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Starbeing Missing Race Description #173

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

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etinquis commented 7 months ago

Starbeing General Description: A race of ethereal humanoids that exist solely to bring balance to the universe. Their bodies are composed entirely of starlight, allowing them to manipulate celestial energy for various purposes. They possess immense knowledge of the cosmos and ancient prophecies, which guide their actions in maintaining equilibrium across the realms. Starbeings are highly intelligent and skilled in the art of astral projection, enabling them to traverse vast distances without physically moving. Despite their benevolent intentions, they often struggle against the weight of their destiny, feeling isolated and burdened by the responsibility of preserving harmony.

Appearance: Starbeings appear as translucent figures, with a luminescent glow emanating from their skin. Their features are reminiscent of humans, yet their faces hold an air of serenity and wisdom beyond their years. Their eyes shimmer like starscapes, reflecting the myriad colors of the cosmos. They stand tall and slender, adorned in flowing robes that seem to shift and change color according to the heavens. When using their abilities, they emit a soft, pulsating radiance that illuminates their surroundings.

History: Long ago, before the dawn of time itself, a group of celestial beings saw fit to create the Starbeings. These entities were tasked with ensuring that the universe remained balanced and stable, acting as custodians of the cosmic order. As eons passed, the Starbeings honed their skills and understanding of the stars, becoming masters of both the arcane and divine. Their role required them to navigate complex prophecies and make difficult choices, always seeking to maintain equilibrium amidst chaos. Over time, they became revered as gods among mortals, worshipped for their divine intervention and guidance. Yet, despite their worship, the Starbeings carried a heavy burden – knowing that they must sometimes act against their own kind or intervene in matters that caused suffering to uphold the greater good. Throughout history, they have faced challenges from both external forces and internal doubts, but their dedication to their purpose has never wavered. Today, they continue their eternal vigil, ever watchful for signs of imbalance and ready to act when necessary.