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Steampowered Spider Missing Race Description #174

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 11 months ago

Steampowered Spiders General Description: The Steampowered Spiders are a race of arachnids that have harnessed the power of steam technology, combining their natural abilities with mechanical innovation. They are known for their towering stature and imposing presence, standing several feet tall when fully extended. Their bodies are adorned with brass and iron mechanisms that allow them to generate and store heat energy, enhancing their strength and speed. They are master engineers and inventors, constantly refining their designs to improve efficiency and functionality.

Appearance: Steampowered Spiders resemble giant spiders, with eight muscular legs extending from a central body. Their exoskeletons are reinforced with metal plating, giving them an armored appearance. Large, bulbous eyes sit atop long stalks, providing excellent vision in all directions. A series of steam-powered turbines protrude from their backs, generating immense amounts of heat and pressure. These turbines connect to a network of pipes and valves that regulate the distribution of power throughout their bodies. Their fangs have been modified to serve as drills, capable of boring through solid rock or metal with ease.

History: In ancient times, a lone spider discovered the potential of harnessing thermal energy from geothermal vents deep beneath the surface of Myzan. It experimented with incorporating this power into its own physiology, gradually developing the ability to control and direct the resulting heat. Word spread among its kin, and soon a small community of spiders began to adopt similar modifications. Over time, they honed their skills, learning to build machines and devices that improved upon their natural abilities. Eventually, they emerged from the depths to establish themselves as respected members of society, offering their expertise in engineering and construction in exchange for resources and safety.