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Tame Flea Missing Race Description #179

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 9 months ago

Tame Fleas General Description: The Tame Fleas are a race of diminutive insectoid creatures native to the swamps and marshlands of Myzan. Though they resemble ticks, they are significantly smaller and possess an intelligence that allows them to communicate and work together in complex societies. They are known for their remarkable agility and stealth, enabling them to traverse treacherous terrain without detection. Their diet consists primarily of plant matter and detritus, although they will occasionally feed on larger organisms if necessary.

Appearance: Tame Fleas are tiny, wingless insects covered in a hard exoskeleton that protects them from predators. Their bodies are segmented, allowing for great flexibility and movement. Their coloration varies depending on the region they inhabit; some may be green or brown, while others take on more vibrant hues such as red or blue. Each individual flea possesses six legs, two antennae, and a pair of mandibles suitable for chewing through tough vegetation. Their heads house large compound eyes that enable them to see in low-light conditions. When provoked or threatened, they release a potent venom that can paralyze larger prey.

History: Long ago, the swamps of Myzan teemed with dangerous predators that threatened the survival of smaller creatures. To adapt, certain species evolved unique defenses and abilities. One such species was the ancestor of today's Tame Fleas. Through natural selection and genetic mutation, these creatures became increasingly intelligent and social, forming tribes that worked together to avoid danger. Over time, they learned to manipulate the environment around them, creating elaborate traps and pitfalls to capture unwary prey. As their populations grew, they began to explore further afield, eventually encountering other races living on the surface. Recognizing the benefits of trade and alliance, they established friendly relations with humans and other races, offering protection from disease-carrying insects in exchange for resources and knowledge.