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Warmaker Spider Missing Race Description #189

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 7 months ago

Warmaker Spider Description The Warmaker Spider is a giant arachnid with a carapace made of magma-like material. Its body temperature allows it to control fire, using it both offensively and defensively. Its large, powerful legs enable it to traverse lava fields and volcanic terrain with ease. It has a unique ability to absorb heat from its surroundings, making it nearly indestructible.

Appearance Warmaker Spiders are massive creatures, measuring up to 15 feet in diameter. Their bodies are covered in a hardened lava-like substance, giving them an imposing presence. Their legs are thick and powerful, allowing them to navigate treacherous terrain. Their eyes glow red-hot, reflecting the internal fires that burn within them. Despite their fearsome appearance, these spiders are highly intelligent and cunning, using their abilities to survive in some of the most hostile environments on Myzan.

History Long ago, a group of dwarven smiths sought to create a weapon capable of harnessing the power of fire. After countless failed attempts, they stumbled upon a species of spider living near active volcanoes. By infusing the spider's body with magical energy, they created the Warmaker Spider. These creatures quickly proved to be far more than weapons, however, as they developed a sense of loyalty and cunning that surpassed their creators' wildest dreams. The dwarves were forced to release their creations back into the world, where they thrived, using their newfound powers to protect their territory and hunt prey. Over time, the Warmaker Spiders evolved, becoming skilled architects and strategists, building vast underground networks and developing complex social structures. Today, they remain feared throughout Myzan for their fiery prowess and unbreakable will.