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Watcher Missing Race Description #190

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 9 months ago

Watcher Description The Watcher is a race of humanoids with the ability to manipulate time itself. They are known for their enigmatic personalities and penchant for solitude. Their appearance varies depending on age, with younger Watchers having pale skin and vibrant blue eyes, while older ones develop a grayish hue and deeper eye color. Their clothes often blend seamlessly into their surroundings, allowing them to blend in with ease.

Appearance Young Watchers appear to be human in most aspects, save for their pale skin and vivid blue eyes. As they age, their skin takes on a grayish cast, and their eyes deepen in color. Their clothing is usually muted and loose-fitting, allowing them to disappear into their environment. They tend to keep their hair long and unkempt, further aiding their ability to blend in. Adult Watchers stand about 6 feet tall and possess an ethereal quality that sets them apart from other races.

History Legends tell of a powerful wizard who sought to harness the power of time itself. Through intense study and experimentation, he created the Watcher race, capable of manipulating seconds, minutes, hours, and even days. However, this power came at a great cost; each Watcher's lifespan was drastically shortened due to the strain placed upon their bodies. To preserve their secrecy, the Watchers adopted a nomadic lifestyle, moving frequently and keeping to themselves. They use their abilities to observe events from afar, ensuring that history unfolds as it should without interference. While some may see them as meddlers, others recognize their role in preserving the natural order of things. Regardless, the Watchers remain an enigma to those who encounter them, their true motives hidden behind their veil of mystery.