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White Tiger Missing Race Description #191

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 9 months ago

White Tiger Description The White Tiger is a feline creature that possesses a rare genetic mutation, resulting in its snow-white fur. They are incredibly strong and fast, making them formidable predators. Their appearance is majestic and regal, earning them the respect of many cultures throughout Myzan. Some believe that the White Tigers are descended from celestial beings, sent to earth to protect the innocent from harm.

Appearance White Tigers stand tall at around 9 feet in height, with muscular builds and sleek white fur that shimmers in the sunlight. Their eyes are a piercing yellow or gold, reflecting their intelligence and ferocity. Their movements are graceful yet powerful, showcasing their status as apex predators. Despite their size, they can move stealthily when needed, using their camouflage to their advantage.

History According to legend, the first White Tiger was born of a union between a mortal woman and a celestial being. This divine offspring inherited the strength and speed of its father, along with the beauty of its mother. As word spread of this miraculous creature, it became revered by many cultures, who saw it as a symbol of purity and protection. Today, White Tigers live in isolated areas, guarding their territories from any who would dare threaten them or their charges. They remain mysterious and elusive, only appearing when necessary to defend the innocent or maintain order within their domain.