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Whitefang Missing Race Description #192

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 9 months ago

Whitefang Description The Whitefang is a monstrous humanoid creature with the head and torso of a wolf and the wings of a bird of prey. Their bones are exposed, giving them a skeletal appearance that is both intimidating and otherworldly. They are highly aggressive and territorial, making them fearsome warriors when angered. Their ability to fly allows them to ambush enemies from above, using their sharp teeth and claws to devastating effect.

Appearance Whitefangs are towering figures, standing at least seven feet tall. Their wolf-like heads are adorned with large sabertooth fangs, while their bodies end in powerful wings that enable them to soar through the skies. Their exposed bones give them a ghastly appearance, adding to their menacing aura. Their eyes glow with an unnatural light, reflecting their bestial nature. Despite their grotesque appearance, Whitefangs move with grace and agility, striking fear into the hearts of all who cross their path.

History Long ago, a group of dark sorcerers attempted to combine the might of a wolf and a raptor, hoping to create an unstoppable force of destruction. After countless failed experiments, they finally succeeded in birthing the Whitefang. These creatures proved to be far more than they could handle, however, as they quickly turned on their creators and tore through their ranks. The surviving sorcerers fled, leaving the Whitefangs to roam free across Myzan. Over time, these monstrous beings evolved into a fierce warrior race, protecting their territory with brutal efficiency. While some still serve their original masters, others have formed their own societies, seeking out like-minded individuals who share their thirst for bloodshed and conquest.