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Witch's Black Cat Missing Race Description #194

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 9 months ago

Witch's Black Cat Description The Witch's Black Cat is a feline creature that possesses a deep connection to the arcane arts. They are highly intelligent and can communicate telepathically with other Witch's Cats and their witch masters. Their black fur is said to absorb magical energy, granting them increased strength and agility. They are often seen as familiars to witches, aiding them in their spells and rituals.

Appearance Witch's Black Cats are sleek and elegant felines, with glossy black fur that seems to absorb light. Their eyes are a piercing yellow or green, reflecting their intelligence and magical prowess. They stand taller than ordinary house cats, averaging around 18 inches at the shoulder. Their movements are graceful and agile, befitting their role as companions to powerful witches. Their tails are long and whip-like, used for balance and communication.

History The Witch's Black Cat is a feline creature that has been associated with witches throughout history. It is believed that these cats were created by ancient witches who sought an animal companion possessing both beauty and magical potential. By breeding selective lines of black cats, they developed a race of felines with heightened sensitivity to the arcane arts. Over time, the cats formed a deep bond with their witch masters, becoming indispensable aids in spellcasting and ritual practices. Today, Witch's Black Cats are highly valued among those who practice the mystic arts, known for their intelligence, agility, and loyalty.