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Witch's Newt Missing Race Description #195

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago


etinquis commented 9 months ago

Witch's Newt Description The Witch's Newt is a reptilian race that shares similarities with frogs and salamanders. They possess an innate connection to the elements, able to control water, earth, and fire. Their skin is smooth and moist, with bright colors that range from reds and oranges to blues and purples. Witch's Newts are known for their ability to regenerate lost limbs, making them formidable opponents in battle.

Appearance Witch's Newts are small, reptilian creatures with elongated bodies and short legs. Their skin is vibrant and smooth, with colors that reflect their elemental affinities. They have large, expressive eyes that seem to glow when they tap into their magical abilities. Their tails are long and flexible, allowing them to move nimbly through the environment. As they age, their colors may darken slightly, but they maintain their overall youthful appearance. On average, adult Witch's Newts grow to be about 2 feet in length.

History Long ago, a powerful coven of witches sought a familiar that could aid them in controlling the elements. Using their dark arts, they merged frog DNA with that of a salamander, creating the Witch's Newt. These creatures proved to be perfect companions, capable of manipulating water, earth, and fire at will. Over time, the Witch's Newts developed a deep understanding of their abilities and became adept at using them in combat. Some even mastered the art of regeneration, healing themselves from grievous wounds. Though originally bound to the service of witches, some Witch's Newts managed to break free and establish their own societies in remote locations. Today, they remain a mysterious and enigmatic race, feared for their potent magic and uncanny regenerative capabilities.