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Witch's Toad Missing Race Description #196

Open etinquis opened 1 year ago

etinquis commented 1 year ago

mpic fpic

etinquis commented 8 months ago

Witch's Toad Description The Witch's Toad is a small, reptilian creature that resembles a common frog but possesses the ability to cast powerful magic spells. They are found in the swamps and marshlands of Myzan, living in harmony with the natural world around them. Their appearance remains constant throughout their lives, with a bulbous body, long tongue, and distinctive warty skin that houses their magical energy.

Appearance Witch's Toads are roughly the size of a large frog, with a round, bulbous body and short legs. Their skin is covered in bumpy warts, each one containing a spark of magical energy that fuels their spellcasting abilities. Their eyes are large and expressive, reflecting their connection to the mystical arts. They come in various colors, such as greens, browns, and even iridescent blues. Their long tongues enable them to catch prey quickly and efficiently. Despite their diminutive size, Witch's Toads possess an aura of otherworldliness that sets them apart from their non-magical counterparts.

History Legend has it that the Witch's Toad was created by a coven of ancient witches who sought a familiar capable of harnessing magic without requiring physical strength. By infusing a common frog with their own magical essence, they gave birth to these small yet mighty creatures. Initially, the Witch's Toads were kept as pets and companions, aiding their mistresses in their dark practices. Over time, however, some toads broke free from their bondage and formed their own societies within the swamps and marshes. These communities thrived, honing their magical abilities and passing down their knowledge from generation to generation. While still connected to the natural world, Witch's Toads have learned to use their powers for both good and evil, making them both revered and feared by those who encounter them.