Landzs / Tracking_Multiple_Objects_In_Surveillance_Cameras

Automatic detection and tracking of moving vehicles in a video from a surveillance camera
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there is a problem when running #1

Open dddddkkk opened 6 years ago

dddddkkk commented 6 years ago

Improper assignment with rectangular empty matrix.

Error in detectionToTrackAssignment (line 19) cost(i, :) = distance(mean(tracks(i).particles), centroids);

Error in Tracking_Cars (line 22) [assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = ...

Error in Untitled (line 1) Tracking_Cars('Data/Sample9.mp4') %(X is number form 1 to 9)

Landzs commented 6 years ago

It seem that I don't have this problem. Does this problem only happen when running Sample9.mp4?

dddddkkk commented 6 years ago

I try to use other data,like"Sample8orSample7",but it also have the same problem.I follow your tips“Tracking_Cars('Data/SampleX.mp4') (X is number form 1 to 9)” ,just create a new file that has the code“Tracking_Cars('Data/Sample9.mp4')” in Tracking_Multiple_Objects_In_Surveillance_Cameras-maste

zq1335030905 commented 4 years ago

@dddddkkk hello , I have the same problem. Can you solve this problem?

zq1335030905 commented 4 years ago

I have solve this problem replace the code[assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = ... detectionToTrackAssignment(centroids);`


`if isempty(centroids) continue; else [assignments, unassignedTracks, unassignedDetections] = detectionToTrackAssignment(centroids); end``

vickytomar2 commented 4 years ago

i have the same problem can anybody give correct answer

SerapErcel commented 1 year ago

Hello. I also got this error. The solution is this: Mapping Toolbox is not installed in your Matlab, so it does not recognize the distance function. Those who want to try the project should pay attention to the necessary installations in the error messages.