I would like to install your Virtual Machime on a Mac M2 Pro. Do you have a positive experience doing so?
I have tried to import the Microbiome Helper Vbox (v2.3.0) (25 GB - OVA file) on an installed VirtualBox-7.0.8_BETA4-156879-macOSArm64 but it failed running the VM.
Dear Microbiome Helper team,
I would like to install your Virtual Machime on a Mac M2 Pro. Do you have a positive experience doing so?
I have tried to import the Microbiome Helper Vbox (v2.3.0) (25 GB - OVA file) on an installed VirtualBox-7.0.8_BETA4-156879-macOSArm64 but it failed running the VM.
Thanks for your help!