Langschwanzpinguine / Bahnhofottos

Entdecke mit unserer App "Bahnhofottos" die Welt der Bahnhöfe! Fotografiere, teile und entdecke einzigartige Bahnhofsmomente. Baue dein Netzwerk auf, erkunde neue Reiseziele und lass dich von faszinierenden Geschichten inspirieren. Sei Teil unserer lebendigen Community und spüre das Gefühl von Verbundenheit und Abenteuer entlang der Schienen.
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Delete an image #29

Open JakobKohler opened 1 month ago

JakobKohler commented 1 month ago

I want to be able to delete uploaded images in my profile (possibly also in the map)

nils-matthaei commented 1 month ago

7ee5b46 added delete functionality, but the UI for it is still ugly.

@MoyieRoller could maybe add a "..." menu at the top right of a train station post element for deleting Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 17-44-21 Bahnhofottos

MoyieRoller commented 1 month ago

5520f02 added the delete button into dropdown, but JS needs fixing, because delete button is always shown on first entry of page and not on the entry, where the dropdown button is pressed

MoyieRoller commented 1 month ago

55199e8 styled the new dropdown after 30292b8 fixed the script issue TODO: add button in station popup on the map, to delete a station that was already visited