Reported by @dietervu , this affects uploads from the CLARIN switchboard:
Caused by:
Process `txt2folia (1)` terminated with an error exit status (6)
Command executed:
#set up the virtualenv (bit unelegant currently, but we have to do this for each process to ensure the LaMachine environment works)
set +u
if [ ! -z "" ]; then
source /bin/activate
set -u
FoLiA-txt --class OCR -t 1 -O . "1-009be6ad3eb2c43f5c6d56a91076511816.txt" || exit 1
if [ ! -s "1-009be6ad3eb2c43f5c6d56a91076511816.folia.xml" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Expected output 1-009be6ad3eb2c43f5c6d56a91076511816.folia.xml does not exist or is empty">&2
exit 6
Reported by @dietervu , this affects uploads from the CLARIN switchboard: