LanguageMachines / libfolia

FoLiA library for C++
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Debian bug 843053] ABI breakage #10

Closed proycon closed 7 years ago

proycon commented 7 years ago

Frog (and ucto?) break in debian because of a symbol error:

The packages were compiled with libfolia 1.4, but state dependency requirement (>= 1.3). I assume the user still has libfolia v1.3 then and the ABI changed in the meantime? It sounds like we need to increase the so version for every ABI change to prevent such issues? Or tighten the package dependencies even more strictly if that suffices.

kosloot commented 7 years ago

ok, have Frog en Ucto depending on Libfolia 1.4 is a good plan anyway. I suggest to have the soname bumped in the upcoming 1.5 release of Libfolia. it is a bug-fix release, but maybe good to release soon?

proycon commented 7 years ago

The user did use 1.4 after all it seems, I managed to reproduce this on a fresh debian. I'm wondering what caused this, maybe I accidentally packaged Frog against an older libfolia... I'll try to create a new package.

$ frog
frog: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZNK5folia24AbstractStructureElement3strERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

Bug does not affect ucto.

proycon commented 7 years ago

Update plan:

proycon commented 7 years ago

Latest libfolia release should solve this. Package built and submitted, pending review and upload by debian sponsor now.