LaosLaser / Firmware

Embedded software (firmware) for the laser system and components, including configuration files
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Option to disable runtime cancel button checking. #53

Closed thinkl33t closed 8 years ago

thinkl33t commented 8 years ago

Added a config variable that disables runtime checking of the i2c display, for those of us who have trouble with our lasers freezing up part way through a job

matthijskooijman commented 8 years ago

I haven't actually tried this code yet, but wouldn't it make sense to also remove the [cancel] from the display if the button isn't being checked? Or can you still use the cancel button by keeping it pressed for a longer period of time or something?

matthijskooijman commented 8 years ago

Also, this PR didn't update the CHANGELOG file. Is the intention to update the CHANGELOG along with the commit that introduces a change?

peteruithoven commented 8 years ago

Yes the changelog should defiantly be changed. Removing [cancel] might be tricky because that also requires updating the firmware on the Arduino.

jrv commented 8 years ago

The text on the I2C display is generated by the mbed, so yes, it would be possible to remove [cancel] from the display too. We await your patch...