Lapayo / SAMPHP

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PHP 7 #14

Open FPNDev opened 6 years ago

FPNDev commented 6 years ago

Hello, can i code on PHP 7 using this lib on Linux? If yes - how, cause i couldn't do this with just downloading plugin

AmirSavand commented 6 years ago

I did code on this via PHP 7. But I don't know how it supported it and sometimes it doesn't even run on windows.

FPNDev commented 6 years ago

Hmm, that's weird. Okay, thank you :)

FPNDev commented 6 years ago

@AmirSavand , sorry for noticing you here, but have you done some specials steps to use PHP 7 here, like updating and etc? I can't get it working at all and rewriting couple big libs of mine from PHP 7 to 5 is not the best idea.

AmirSavand commented 6 years ago

Like I said, I don't know how it supported it, I had PHP 7 on my system (Linux) and it just worked.

I don't remember much, I stopped using it a long time ago.