Lara3333 / Lara_2025
Apache License 2.0
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Role Distributions for Plattformer Game #16

Open Lara3333 opened 2 hours ago

Lara3333 commented 2 hours ago

General changes we want to make

avantikachittari commented 2 hours ago

My Plan of Changes

Prahalad-ship-it commented 2 hours ago
Lara3333 commented 2 hours ago

Plan How 2 Make My Changes - Lara Banjac

Change 1: Changing the sound effects Why I want to change it: I didn't really like the sound effects in the game so I decided that I could change it. To do that I am going to find audios I want to use in the game. After that I will make sure they are in mp3 format, since it seems like it's a supported format by VSCode, based off of the given sound effects.

Change 2: Graphics and Background: Why I want to change it: I didn't really like the ones used and on top of that, they didn't really match with each other. This why, I will try find a background that I like and follows a certain colour palette, so the that the overall result is more pleasant to look at.