LaraBug / LaraBug

Laravel error reporting tool
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Add Laravel 9 support #66

Closed jrmajor closed 2 years ago

jrmajor commented 2 years ago

Add Laravel 9 support, run test on PHP 8.1, upgrade PHP-CS-Fixer and drop support for unsupported versions of Laravel and PHP.

Cannonb4ll commented 2 years ago

What's the reason Laravel 7 is being dropped here?

jrmajor commented 2 years ago

Laravel 7 is no longer supported. See

Cannonb4ll commented 2 years ago

@Glennmen @SebastiaanKloos What do you think, I don't really know if we should stop supporting Laravel 7 that abruptly. Personally, I'd say we keep support for it for a while but won't do patches/updates for it anymore.

This is because there's probably a lot of apps still on 7.

Glennmen commented 2 years ago

We are supporting Laravel 6 (LTS) so I would say if there are no conflicts why shouldn't we keep supporting Laravel 7. If there are things that would break or need to be rewritten this should be evaluated again.

jrmajor commented 2 years ago

I don't really know if we should stop supporting Laravel 7 that abruptly.

Laravel 7 has received security updates only since October 2020, and reached EOL in March 2021. I wouldn't call dropping support for it “abrupt”.

This is because there's probably a lot of apps still on 7.

There are always some apps using legacy dependencies. For these, previous versions of Larabug will keep working just fine.

SebastiaanKloos commented 2 years ago

@jrmajor As long as nothing breaks, why should we drop support for Laravel 7? I personally think there are a lot of Laravel 7 sites on our platform.

@Cannonb4ll I think it would be good to add some metadata to the exceptions like Laravel version etc. so we could also make a scan ourselves and make strategic decisions.

Cannonb4ll commented 2 years ago

Laravel 7 has received security updates only since October 2020, and reached EOL in March 2021. I wouldn't call dropping support for it “abrupt”.

I do, certainly because if we roll this out and users update their packages, they will suddenly be forced to update their Laravel version. Considering that, if we still can support Laravel 7 without too much trouble, why wouldn't we?

I agree with you that Laravel 7 is out of date, not being updated anymore and its EOL has been reached a long time ago, but that does not mean we should disband the users the are on Laravel 7 and use LaraBug that suddenly.

Can you test run this on Laravel 7 in this PR and let the actions run again? If that passes, we'll merge this in.

As soon as it starts giving errors on the Laravel 7 builds, we'll deprecate that. But as of now, it should still work.

jrmajor commented 2 years ago

I do, certainly because if we roll this out and users update their packages, they will suddenly be forced to update their Laravel version.

That's not how Composer works. If a user uses composer update to update packages and his application requires Laravel 7, Composer will keep using Larabug 2.4.4. The old tags will keep working just fine after releasing a new one. Just like nobody is forced to upgrade to Laravel 8, nobody will be forced to update to Larabug 2.5.

that does not mean we should disband the users the are on Laravel 7 and use LaraBug that suddenly.

Again, Composer will just install the current version of Larabug instead of the new one. Nothing will break for anyone, and Laravel 7 users will still be able to use Larabug like they do now.

Can you test run this on Laravel 7 in this PR and let the actions run again? If that passes, we'll merge this in.

Sure, done :)

Cannonb4ll commented 2 years ago

@Glennmen @SebastiaanKloos We agree on this now? Once Laravel 7 stops working in our actions, we'll stop supporting this. As long as it works, without maintenance, I'm good.