Closed Thotsuya closed 7 months ago
Well, if you see the source code, it will return an error when the navigator returns no credentials at all.
// Let the browser sign the challenge with a credential, returning a response
const credentials: Credential | null = await navigator.credentials.get({
publicKey: parseServerRequestOptions(assertionOptions)
// If the user denied the permission, return null
if (!credentials) {
throw newError("AssertionCancelled", "The credentials request was cancelled by the user or timeout.")
I'll add debug lines on 1.3.0 on a while, hold on.
Using 1.3.0 This is the log:
Attestations Options Received
{ "rp": { "name": "langsys" }, "authenticatorSelection": { "userVerification": "discouraged" }, "user": { "id": "62d4839e46264793b696d65601bb66fe", "name": "", "displayName": null }, "pubKeyCredParams": [ { "type": "public-key", "alg": -7 }, { "type": "public-key", "alg": -257 }, { "type": "public-key", "alg": -8 } ], "attestation": "none", "excludeCredentials": [], "timeout": 40000000, "challenge": "0h3_nnVCTaVIxxXLvcoYew" }
Attestations Credentials Created
Probably not the place to post this, but I'm lost here @DarkGhostHunter
Which is weird because either the credentials are not null nor empty.
Going to make some tests locally and see if I can get the same error.
@Thotsuya Try v1.3.1. It makes a less strict check for the credentials from the navigator. If it's falsy, it will return the error. Otherwise, it should proceed with attestation normally.
[Error] InvalidCharacterError: The string contains invalid characters.
arrayToBase64UrlString — passkeys:1820
parseOutgoingCredentials — passkeys:1795
(anonymous function) — passkeys:1893:147
_callee$ (passkeys:65)
tryCatch (passkeys:19:1067)
(anonymous function) (passkeys:19:3021)
asyncGeneratorStep (passkeys:20:104)
_next (passkeys:21:213)
Seems to be an error here with the ArrayBuffer
// Maintain future compatibility for WebAuthn 3.0 if some credential properties are already strings
if ("rawId" in credentials) {
response.rawId = isArrayBuffer(credentials.rawId)
? arrayToBase64UrlString(credentials.rawId)
: credentials.rawId
function arrayToBase64UrlString(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): string {
return btoa(new TextDecoder().decode(arrayBuffer))
.replace(/\+/g, "-")
.replace(/\//g, "_")
.replace(/=/g, "")
Yes I get the same issues and after bypassing the arraybuffer decoding using a custom function, this assignment fails due to Credentials object having non enumerable keys.
Since this is a breaking bug existing since the first version, I'll take the liberty to fix it and rollback to 1.0 entirely.
Figured out you can't "replace" a version. I will post this as 2.0.
@Thotsuya @danielmwaveges Try v2.0 and report back.
The main difference is that I'm using another library to interact with WebAuthn instead of doing it directly, which parses the credentials automatically. Also, shoved in some goodies while at it like Conditional UI support.
@DarkGhostHunter Ok, It seems to work and it is sending the credentials to the webauthn/register endpoint, however, the default webauthn/register endpoint from the Webauthn package throws the following:
"status": false,
"data": [],
"errors": {
"line": 71,
"file": "/Users/jarliev/Herd/langsys-nova/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Validation/ValidationException.php",
"message": [
"Attestation Error: ByteBuffer: Invalid offset or length."
[Debug] Attestation Credentials Created – {id: "AZif0HxM24R4UTZfQg3GlysdL6VVod-3B1bE4rr3FZeRciis92GelrnqMkW4EanZ4K4P1eWa4ExLs1oJ8YA8g3U", rawId: "AZif0HxM24R4UTZfQg3GlysdL6VVod-3B1bE4rr3FZeRciis92GelrnqMkW4EanZ4K4P1eWa4ExLs1oJ8YA8g3U", response: Object, …} (passkeys, line 1171)
{id: "AZif0HxM24R4UTZfQg3GlysdL6VVod-3B1bE4rr3FZeRciis92GelrnqMkW4EanZ4K4P1eWa4ExLs1oJ8YA8g3U", rawId: "AZif0HxM24R4UTZfQg3GlysdL6VVod-3B1bE4rr3FZeRciis92GelrnqMkW4EanZ4K4P1eWa4ExLs1oJ8YA8g3U", response: Object, type: "public-key", clientExtensionResults: {}, …}ObjectauthenticatorAttachment: "cross-platform"clientExtensionResults: {}Objectid: "AZif0HxM24R4UTZfQg3GlysdL6VVod-3B1bE4rr3FZeRciis92GelrnqMkW4EanZ4K4P1eWa4ExLs1oJ8YA8g3U"rawId: "AZif0HxM24R4UTZfQg3GlysdL6VVod-3B1bE4rr3FZeRciis92GelrnqMkW4EanZ4K4P1eWa4ExLs1oJ8YA8g3U"response: {attestationObject: "o2NmbXRkbm9uZWdhdHRTdG10oGhhdXRoRGF0YVjFKNr5wj2wmE…hkIlggCM4Lc3QXFZXeGO-7s_cgyjFKoD-nS8QhQT37NeGMag4", clientDataJSON: "eyJ0eXBlIjoid2ViYXV0aG4uY3JlYXRlIiwiY2hhbGxlbmdlIj…m9yaWdpbiI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbGFuZ3N5cy1ub3ZhLnRlc3QifQ", transports: ["internal", "hybrid"], publicKeyAlgorithm: -7, publicKey: "MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEaxo73Gqr6FaKZm…3lVWGQIzgtzdBcVld4Y77uz9yDKMUqgP6dLxCFBPfs14YxqDg", …}Objecttype: "public-key"Object Prototype
However, since this is for the frontend package, not sure if this should be posted here.
@Thotsuya Got it. It's because an attestation part tries to use base64_decode
, instead of the ByteBuffer::decodeBase64Url
Should be fixed in v2.0.2
PHP & Platform
8.2 & Mac OS Ventura 13.6.3
MySQL 8.0.33
Laravel version
Have you done this?
The attest should work and return a success credential.
When I try to create a passkey, even if I successfully set my fingerprint, scan a QR on my phone or whatever, I get the error
AttestationCancelled: The credentials creation was cancelled by the user or a timeout.
This is what the /register/options endpoint returns:
Stack trace & logs