Laravel-Backpack / CRUD

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[Bug] Backpack v5 breaks morphTo select field #4323

Closed stevebeyatte closed 1 year ago

stevebeyatte commented 2 years ago

Bug report

What I did

I have a n-1 polymorphic relationship between "Intros" and "Companies" or "People". Meaning an intro can link a user to either a company or a person. I have an 'introable_id' column in the intros table that points to the related model. The relationship is defined on App\Models\Intro as:

public function introable() { return $this->morphTo(); }

I have been using the select2 (1-n) relationship field in Laravel Backpack v4 without issues by just hardcoding the model that I want to default to from Backpack:

$this->crud->addField([  // Select2
            'label'     => "Intro To",
            'type'      => 'select2',
            'name'      => 'introable_id', 
            'entity'    => 'introable',
            'model'     => "App\Models\Company",
            'attribute' => 'name', 

What I expected to happen

I thought I could update to Laravel Backpack v5 and this would still work.

What happened

After updating, creating a new Intro or updating an existing one throws an error. On create, I get: Field 'introable_id' doesn't have a default value even though I've double-checked that the request does indeed have introable_id set properly.

On update, I get: Call to undefined method App\Models\Intro::introable_id() The relationship is called 'introable' but the db column is called introable_id. This is thrown because line 99 in the Create trait is: $relation = $item->{$relationMethod}();

What I've already tried to fix it

I tried to port over the v4 version of Select2 and that didn't work. I verified that the request has the proper data and searched around a lotl

Is it a bug in the latest version of Backpack?


Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version

When I run php artisan backpack:version the output is:


PHP 8.1.1 (cli) (built: Dec 17 2021 22:38:05) (NTS) Copyright (c) The PHP Group Zend Engine v4.1.1, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v8.1.1, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies





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pxpm commented 2 years ago

Hello @stevebeyatte

I am working on a core solution for the morph fields, I should have an mvp PR ready by tomorrow. In the meanwhile use entity => false on your introable_id field.

Let me know if that solves it for you.


stevebeyatte commented 2 years ago

@pxpm thanks so much for your help. When I do that I get "Undefined array key "relation_type" on vendor/backpack/crud/src/app/Library/CrudPanel/Traits/Input.php:123

tabacitu commented 2 years ago

That's the thing - if you specify entity => false then you'll have to manually give the field everything it needs. But after you do that, it should work as it did before.

relation_type should be MorphTo in your case, right? (string)

stevebeyatte commented 2 years ago

@tabacitu @pxpm When I specify relation_type I also get the same query builder error, screenshot attached.

$this->crud->addField([  // Select2
            'label'     => "Intro To",
            'type'      => 'select2',
            'name'      => 'introable_id',
            'relation_type' => 'MorphTo',
            'entity'    => false, 
            'model'     => "App\Models\Company", 
            'attribute' => 'name', 

It calls the function off of the name attribute above, ex $model->introable_id(). I changed the name to introable (which is how the polymorphic relationship is defined) but then the introable_id field doesn't get passed so the database chokes without that value.


stevebeyatte commented 2 years ago

Thoughts on a quick fix for this @pxpm ?

pxpm commented 2 years ago

@stevebeyatte It needs some core changes since introable_id is detected as a relationship (MorphTo) when it shouldn't, the relation is introable_id + introable_type.

As a workaround you can use other field name, like introable_input.

Then add a mutator and getter for your fake field that adds the real attribute in the model:

public function setIntroableInputAttribute($value) {
    $this->attributes['introable_id'] = $value;

public function getIntroableInputAttribute() {
    return $this['attributes']['introable_id'];

If you are using $fillable you should also add the introable_input into the fillable array.

If you run into problems using select2 field, I'd recommend you to use the select2_from_array since you'd be populating the select with javascript depending on the type, just use the select2_from_array with empty [] options and then populate it with JS.

I am sure I've already set morphTo relations working like this, you should be fine 👍

When the PR gets merged you just need to CRUD::field('introable')->models(['\App\Model\1',\App\Model\2']); .

Let me know, Cheers

adrienne commented 2 years ago

@pxpm @tabacitu any progress on MorphTo (not MorphToMany) relationships being handled either this way or by the relationship field type? I really need plain MorphTo, one way or another.

tabacitu commented 2 years ago

@adrienne we're working on it right now. ETA: 2 weeks

stevebeyatte commented 2 years ago

friendly ping on this one :-)

tabacitu commented 2 years ago

@stevebeyatte , @adrienne I've just finished reviewing the new morphTo field inside repeatable. It is a BEAUTY:

So simple, yet so powerful.

It's going through one more round of testing, by @jorgetwgroup . We expect to have it merged in 1-2 weeks, max.

Thank you for your patience 🙏

tabacitu commented 2 years ago

@pxpm , I believe we can close this, since we'll soon be merging all PRs related to this?

tabacitu commented 1 year ago


I've just merged (and the corresponding PRO PR) which add morphTo functionality to the relationship field 😱 It's been a multi-month effort by @pxpm , and it hasn't been easy at all, so all credits go to him 👏👏👏

It's currently on main, where we'll test it a little more until Monday... and on Monday we tag 3.4.0 and launch it 🎉

I hope you'll be as happy to have this as we are. Thank you for your patience 🙏
