Laravel-Backpack / LogManager

An interface to preview, download and delete Laravel log files, using Backpack.
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Previewing non-laravel log files throws "The log file doesn't exist" error #56

Open malle-pietje opened 1 year ago

malle-pietje commented 1 year ago

Bug report

What I did:

Use LogManager to view all log files in the storage/logs directory.

What I expected to happen:

Either be able to preview non-Laravel log files with less functionality or get an appropriate error message informing the user that the log file isn't parsable.

What happened:

The error shown when trying to preview a Laravel schedule log file says "The log file doesn't exist": image

But the log file does exist, even though it isn't a regular Laravel log file.

This is an example of such a schedule log file populated by a "chatty" class that fetches data from an external API containing test data:

Fetching invoices from Moneybird...
checking invoices for customer: Anthony and Joyce Traders
checking invoices for customer: Dennis Richard LLC
fetched invoices, page 1
invoice number: 2022-0012
invoice number: 2022-0011
invoice number: 2022-0008
invoice number: 2022-0004
checking invoices for customer: Larsen and Curry Trading
fetched invoices, page 1
invoice number: 2022-0009
invoice number: 2022-0006
invoice number: 2022-0005
Processed 7 invoices: updated 0 invoices, inserted 0 new invoices. Process took 1.657 seconds

What I've already tried to fix it:

Nothing yet.

Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version:

Backpack CRUD: 5.4.10 Backpack LogManager: 4.0.8 PHP: 8.1.2

welcome[bot] commented 1 year ago

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pxpm commented 1 year ago

Hey @malle-pietje sorry it took so much time to get into this.

We indeed need a better log viewer, unfortunately this had not been a priority and I am afraid it will continue like that at least until we launch v6 (due next months).

Sorry I have nothing new to add here, just to let you know isn't forgotten 👍
