Laravel-Backpack / Settings

Application settings interface for Backpack (for Laravel 6).
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Using table field cause ViewException in latest version (Probably have something to do with Backpack 4.1) #102

Closed drionix closed 4 years ago

drionix commented 4 years ago

Bug report

What I did:

Use table field

What I expected to happen:

Show table field in update route

What happened:

Here's the stack trace [Flare App link redacted]

What I've already tried to fix it:

Nothing. Tried to debug it but can't find anything

Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version:


PHP 7.3.12 (cli) (built: Nov 19 2019 13:58:02) ( ZTS MSVC15 (Visual C++ 2017) x64 ) Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.3.12, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies





welcome[bot] commented 4 years ago

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tabacitu commented 4 years ago

@drionix did you get to the bottom of this? I couldn't receive the same error myself - maybe you can share your addField() call so we test with the same thing?


tabacitu commented 4 years ago

Ps. Excellent thing - sharing the stack trace using Flare App. Excellent!

pxpm commented 4 years ago

Hello @drionix

I think you have an outdate version of wrapper_start.blade.php.

I can spot one of the differences here: $field['wrapper'][$attributeKey] = !is_string($value) && is_callable($value) ? $value($crud, $field, $entry ?? null) : $value ?? '';

Line 7 of your provided error.

drionix commented 4 years ago

Hello @drionix

I think you have an outdate version of wrapper_start.blade.php.

I can spot one of the differences here: $field['wrapper'][$attributeKey] = !is_string($value) && is_callable($value) ? $value($crud, $field, $entry ?? null) : $value ?? '';

Line 7 of your provided error.

@pxpm Oh wow! That's exactly the problem! Thanks a lot for noticing. Can't express my gratitude with words.

I browse around a little bit and found out that this bug was apparently fixed in Backpack version 4.1.7 with Laravel-Backpack/CRUD#2862 while my current version is 4.1.6. However, there's no documentation concerning this version incompatibility.

This means that it is more of a Laravel-Backpack/CRUD bug rather than Laravel-Backpack/Settings'.