Laravel-Backpack / basset

Better asset helpers for Laravel apps.
MIT License
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[Feature request] Minimise files on production? #86

Closed fronbow closed 11 months ago

fronbow commented 11 months ago

Hi All

I've been contemplating adding this ( into the basset pipeline - it's in the back of my head for when I get a spare moment! I've noticed there's quite a bit of overhead with the amount of files that get basset-ed so wondering whether there's any mileage in minimising the styles and scripts in a production environment, or maybe even adding a command switch to the basset command to force minimisation so the developer could do @basset('', 'minimise=true') or somesuch.

I was also wondering if there's any mileage in concatenation - I seem to remember something like this in WordPress or drupal (can't remember which as it's been a while since I've been over their sides!!) where you could state when a script or style relied on another like jquery and they would be concatenated in a specific order - obviously not for all files, just the global stuff, but what's the general consensus?


tabacitu commented 11 months ago

Hey @fronbow - this should be possible to do, as a dev, if we do - that idea came out of the same need. So let's move the conversation there.

But regarding your question... this might make sense if you have a lot of custom CSS and JS. But the CSS and JS Backpack uses is already minified. So the benefit would be minimal, if you ask me.