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Issues "Calendar Operation backpack/calendar-operation" #1033

Closed NeguinhoAdmin closed 2 weeks ago

NeguinhoAdmin commented 2 weeks ago

Issues "Calendar Operation backpack/calendar-operation"


I already certain that my timezone is okay, it is not UTC it is : 'timezone' => 'Europe/London',

But problem is when I click visual slot it change 1 hour difference on datetime inputs in form. I hope gif file helps to visually look at the problem.

futhermore the same problem is in demo site


Thank you

jcastroa87 commented 2 weeks ago

I confirm the issue, i will ask @pxpm to check this.

Thanks for give us this information.


ShariqAyaz commented 2 weeks ago

Also add feature that business start and end timing. Sunday no booking.

One more thing how i get updates when issues fixed

ShariqAyaz commented 2 weeks ago

This issue solved by this: $start = request()->has('start') ? Carbon::parse(request('start'))->setTimezone(config('app.timezone')) : null; $end = request()->has('end') ? Carbon::parse(request('end'))->setTimezone(config('app.timezone')) : null;

its mean that in someway, javascript keeping diff. timezone.

jcastroa87 commented 2 weeks ago

Im glad you solve the problem. I will close this issue, but please feel free to re-open or create a new one if needed.
