Closed maarccnj93 closed 1 month ago
I think the problem is that for some reason the form validation is not passing, but it is not showing me the error messages in the form.
Hey @maarccnj93
I've just tested this, and I'm unable to reproduce the behavior you are getting. For me, it pops a validation message or saves perfectly.
My code:
//rules in Request class
return [
'title' => 'required|min:2|max:255',
'sku' => 'unique:products,sku,' . \Request::get('id'),
'status' => 'required',
// store method in CRUD
public function store(){
$request = $this->crud->validateRequest();
$item = $this->crud->create($this->crud->getStrippedSaveRequest($request));
$this->data['entry'] = $this->crud->entry = $item;
return $this->crud->performSaveAction($item->getKey());
I think I've discovered the problem but not yet the solution.
I'm using a login using SSO with SAML. I found a small bug in the SSO library that causes the session to be lost every time the page is refreshed. To fix it I put a "Session()->regenerate();" on each page reload. It seems that this causes the session variables to be lost.
Since errors are saved in session variables they are lost. I need to find out why with backpack after logging in with SSO, the first page that loads has the session data correctly, but when changing views these are lost.
I have this code lo listen SignedIn.
Event::listen(\Slides\Saml2\Events\SignedIn::class, function (\Slides\Saml2\Events\SignedIn $event) {
$messageId = $event->getAuth()->getLastMessageId();
// your own code preventing reuse of a $messageId to stop replay attacks
$samlUser = $event->getSaml2User();
$userData = [
'id' => $samlUser->getUserId(),
'attributes' => $samlUser->getAttributes(),
'assertion' => $samlUser->getRawSamlAssertion()
if (isset($userData['attributes']['urn:oid:1.2.840.113549.1.9.1']['0'])){
$email = $userData['attributes']['urn:oid:1.2.840.113549.1.9.1']['0'];
$name = $userData['attributes']['urn:oid:']['0'];
$surnames = $userData['attributes']['urn:oid:']['0'];
$userName = $userData['attributes']['urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1']['0'];
$user = User::where('email', $email)->first();
if (!$user) {
$user = User::create([
'name' => $name ." ".$surnames,
'email' => $email,
// Si no tienes una contraseña, puedes generar una aleatoria
'password' => Hash::make(Str::random(24)),
'username' => $userName
'name' => $attributes['name'] ?? $name ." ".$surnames,
$roles = app(LdapDataService::class);
$roles = $roles->getUserGroupApli($user->username);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
$role = Role::findByName($role, 'web')->first();
Role::create(['guard_name' => 'web', 'name' => $role]);
And I also have a "CheckIfAdmin" midelware which is where I detect that the login is lost when refreshing the page
private function checkIfUserIsAdmin($user)
// return ($user->is_admin == 1);
return true;
private function respondToUnauthorizedRequest($request)
if ($request->ajax() || $request->wantsJson()) {
return response(trans('backpack::base.unauthorized'), 401);
} else {
return redirect()->guest(backpack_url('login'));
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
if (!auth()->check()) {
//When I do refresh this returns null
// The first load on page auth is OK!
if (backpack_auth()->guest()) {
return $this->respondToUnauthorizedRequest($request);
if (! $this->checkIfUserIsAdmin(backpack_user())) {
return $this->respondToUnauthorizedRequest($request);
return $next($request);
Hey @maarccnj93
This question goes a bit out of context for Backpack
. It seems your integration is not properly done. The only thing I can help you with, and not sure if that's the problem, is that Backpack
ships with a default Auth Guard
called backpack
. you can set it to null
to use the default application guard.
In regards to session being lost, I belive you are missing some key middlewares from Laravel
that handle session start/regeneration:
So I would explore the options around setting up the correct middlewares, plus setting up the correct guards.
If you find an issue in Backpack, please let us know, but in this case, I think you first need to figure out your SSO setup first, and everything should work, as we use the default Laravel authentication mechanism.
Sorry but I can't be of much help as I never used that package.
Bug report
What I did
When I try to save any project entity using the cruds created with backpack, when doing the $this->crud->validateRequest(); This redirects me to the form again without saving the entity. It's not showing me any errors either.
Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version
Backpack 6.7 Laravel 11.9 php 8.2
When I run
php artisan backpack:version
backpack/basset: 1.3.6 backpack/crud: 6.7.36 backpack/generators: v4.0.6 backpack/language-switcher: 2.0.0 backpack/permissionmanager: 7.2.1 backpack/theme-tabler: 1.2.13