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[Feature Request] Add support for filters to chart widgets #169

Open Azeirah opened 2 years ago

Azeirah commented 2 years ago

Feature Request

What's the feature you think Backpack should have?

I think we should be able to add filters to chart widgets

Have you already implemented a prototype solution, for your own project?

I have, this is oddly enough not super complicated to add. What I changed:

Changes on the backend

After you create a new ChartController, add the Filter and Settings traits, and define the getCurrentOperation function to return 'list' (to prevent errors)

Changes on the frontend

I had to make some changes to the chart widget blade file as well

  1. Copy the div from the filter navbar into the card body. The one with id=bp-filters-navbar
    • This loads the filters into a chart
    • In the real code, this div should be put into its own file and be included in both the chart widget as well as the original filter navbar blade file.
  2. All widgets assume a datatable is present, I added a dummy datatable with style="display: none" to silence the errors. In the real code you would of course just place checks in place to see if the dataTable is present at all. You can always get the initial ajax_url from new URI(window.location.href) in case dataTable is not present on the page.
  3. I had to implement a function called updateChartOnFilterChange which is called at the same places as updateDatatablesOnFilterChange, it receives {{$filter->key}} as its first parameter instead of {{$filter->name}}.
    1. Note, the simple widget for some reason does not call updateDatatablesOnFilterChange, I added the appropriate calls manually.
    2. Another note: you can retrieve the chart id from the filter key. Since charts are embedded within cards you can use jQuery to find the card with $(this).closest('.card-body').find('canvas').attr('id');
    3. For ajax management, the url is stored in the canvas as well, as data-ajax-url, this is set in this function as well, but needs to be retrieved in every widget code body in the right locations
    4. We can now call the ajax refresh function for the chart, the chart docs describe how.
    5. As for getting the refresh function name, you can just filter window for the function. var refresh_chart = Object.keys(window).filter((key)=>key.contains(chart_id))[0];

With these changes put together, you get the same filtering functionality and ui as on list view datatables.

Do you see this as a core feature or an add-on?

Core feature for pro.

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pxpm commented 2 years ago

Hello @Azeirah thanks for the suggestion and such a detailed explanation. This seems like a very good approach to the problem, I already implemented myself something like this to filter charts but not using CrudFilters. (way way more basic) Do you have a screenshot of the final result that you can share?


Azeirah commented 2 years ago

I don't currently have access to the code I wrote for this, but I probably have it in a branch on my PC, but I don't have access to it for a week or so.

Anyway, concerning how it'd look it's literally just the same thing as using filters on table pages, but the filters are present above the cards for graphs.

If you're interested, I can make some time implementing this as some contract work, as I already did most work needed?