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Problems with ckeditor and elfinder #988

Closed backpack-operations closed 1 month ago

backpack-operations commented 1 month ago

Hi Team, i just received this on email: "Hello, we have pro version license.

Now we have problem with creditor and elfinder. We already install backpack and already have File manager page and it works But in ckeditor field we don’t have it, we have this code and it’s the same creditor but with small changes (type=>ckeditor also tried) and on frontend we have this but elfinder is not here.

We also research code source and in data-options all OK -

Can you help me please with this problem?

Thank you"

karandatwani92 commented 1 month ago

Hey @backpack-operations

Sorry for the inconvenience. The CKEditor version upgrade broke elFinder integration. @pxpm is already working on the fix. We are working on something bigger: AjaxUploader, adding support to other editors, image drag-and-drop feature(similar to the GitHub comment box).

Things are in progress. [WIP] , We'll let you know by leaving an update here, but it may take some time.

pxpm commented 1 month ago

Hey @backpack-operations

we have just released backpack/pro: 2.2.2 that brings back elfinder support to ckeditor.

Please have a look at the updated docs: