LaravelDaily / Laravel-Stripe-Checkout-Course

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PaymentIntent #1

Open laravelblock opened 2 years ago

laravelblock commented 2 years ago

Hey im getting this error when i submit the form

Invalid value for stripe.confirmCardPayment intent secret: value should be a PaymentIntent client secret. You specified: a SetupIntent client secret.

PovilasKorop commented 2 years ago

@laravelblock sorry this course was created a while ago and I totally won't remember how it all works and all potential bugs. I'm planning to re-shoot a lot of courses in 2022, so maybe I will get to this one and debug it, but only in a few months, at best.

Quickly googled, maybe something in that direction?

BabarAslamm commented 2 months ago

@LaravelDaily @laravelblock

When i submit form $('#payment-method').val(result.setupIntent.payment_method); $('#payment-form').submit();

then pay method return back()->with('error', $ex->getMessage());

A return_url must be specified because this Payment Intent is configured to automatically accept the payment methods enabled in the Dashboard, some of which may require a full page redirect to succeed. If you do not want to accept redirect-based payment methods, set automatic_payment_methods[enabled] to true and automatic_payment_methods[allow_redirects] to never when creating Setup Intents and Payment Intents.

But i found solution for it Look at my pay method in controller

public function pay(Request $request)

        $user = auth()->user();
        $order_id = $request->order_id;
        $paymentMethod = $request->payment_method;

        $order = Order::whereUserId($user->id)->findOrFail($order_id);

        $price = $order->price * 100;




            // Charge the customer
            $response = $user->charge($price, $paymentMethod,  [
                'return_url' => route('success'), // Replace with the route to your payment completion page

            // Check the payment status
            if ($response->status === 'succeeded') {

                // Update order with payment date
                $order->update(['paid_at' => now()]);

                // Redirect to success URL
                return redirect()->route('success');

            } else {
                // Handle other payment statuses if necessary
                return back()->with('error', 'Payment failed. Please try again.');

        }catch(Exception $ex){

            return back()->with('error', $ex->getMessage());