Closed Bucky8160 closed 3 months ago
Pre-patch must have broken something as the interface is now gone.
Bugsack gives the following error:
2x attempt to index field 'activeEntry' (a nil value) [string "@Blizzard_PlayerSpells/ClassTalents/Blizzard_ClassTalentImportExport.lua"]:108: in function `GetActiveEntryIndex' [string "@Blizzard_PlayerSpells/ClassTalents/Blizzard_ClassTalentImportExport.lua"]:93: in function `WriteLoadoutContent' [string "@ImprovedTalentLoadouts/ImprovedTalentLoadouts.lua"]:456: in function <...ns/ImprovedTalentLoadouts/ImprovedTalentLoadouts.lua:443> [string "@ImprovedTalentLoadouts/ImprovedTalentLoadouts.lua"]:480: in function `InitializeTalentLoadouts' [string "@ImprovedTalentLoadouts/ImprovedTalentLoadouts.lua"]:160: in function <...ns/ImprovedTalentLoadouts/ImprovedTalentLoadouts.lua:150> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function `LoadAddOn' [string "@Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua"]:422: in function `UIParentLoadAddOn' [string "@Blizzard_UIParent/Mainline/UIParent.lua"]:521: in function `PlayerSpellsFrame_LoadUI' [string "@Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/PlayerSpellsUtil.lua"]:3: in function <.../Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/PlayerSpellsUtil.lua:1> [string "@Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/PlayerSpellsUtil.lua"]:111: in function `TogglePlayerSpellsFrame' [string "@Blizzard_FrameXMLUtil/Mainline/PlayerSpellsUtil.lua"]:147: in function `ToggleClassTalentOrSpecFrame' [string "TOGGLETALENTS"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLETALENTS"]:1> Locals: self = Frame { HeroTalentsContainer = Frame { } commitFlashAnims = <table> { } leftPadding = 0 buttonSize = 40 disabledOverlayAlpha = 0.300000 treeIsDirty = true LoadSystem = Frame { } BlackBG = Texture { } configurationInfo = <table> { } FxModelScene = ModelScene { } talentTreeID = 658 AirParticlesClose = Texture { } enableCommitCastBar = true AnimationHolder = Frame { } basePanOffsetX = 19 OverlayBackgroundRight = Texture { } Clouds1 = Texture { } ActivationClassFx4 = Texture { } definitionInfoCache = <table> { } ButtonsParent = Frame { } bitWidthHeaderVersion = 8 enableCommitSpinner = true CommitSpinner = Frame { } nodeInfoCache = <table> { } Textures = <table> { } rightPadding = 0 maximumCommitTime = 6 heroSpecSelectionDialog = HeroTalentsSelectionDialog { } ActivationExpandFx = Texture { } SearchBox = EditBox { } variablesLoaded = true isInspecting = false searchController = <table> { } Event = <table> { } configID = 6366 configIDToName = <table> { } configIDs = <table> { } PvPTalentList = Frame { } dirtyNodeIDSet = <table> { } panOffsetX = 0 enableCommitEndFlash = true dirtySubTreeIDSet = <table> { } subTreeInfoCache = <table> { } BackgroundFlash = Texture { } condInfoCache = <table> { } panOffsetY = 0 basePanOffsetY = -1 topPadding = 0 entryInfoCache = <table> { } dirtyDefinitionIDSet = <table> { } buttonsWithDirtyEdges = <table> { } nodeIDToButton = <table> { } gatePool = <table> { } InspectCopyButton = Button { } ActivationTitansFX = Texture { } talentButtonCollection = <table> { } callbackTables = <table> { } areClassTalentCommitCompleteVisualsActive = false initialBasePanOffsetY = -30 initialBasePanOffsetX = 49 backgroundAnims = <table> { } areBaseCommitVisualsActive = false PvPTalentSlotTray = Frame { } WarmodeButton = Button { } UndoButton = Button { } ResetButton = Button { } bottomPadding = 82 edgePool = <table> { } SearchPreviewContainer = Frame { } SpecCurrencyDisplay = Frame { } ClassCurrencyDisplay = Frame { } FullMask = MaskTexture { } talentDislayFramePool = <table> { } ActivationClassFx3 = Texture { } ActivationClassFx2 = Texture { } ActivationClassFx = Texture { } ActivationExpandFxMask = MaskTexture { } AirParticlesFar = Texture { } Clouds2 = Texture { } OverlayBackgroundMidMask = MaskTexture { } OverlayBackgroundMid = Texture { } OverlayBackgroundRightMask = MaskTexture { } specBackgrounds = <table> { } Background = Texture { } BottomBar = Texture { } dirtyCondIDSet = <table> { } commitSound = 207767 dirtyEntryIDSet = <table> { } CommitUpdateReasons = <table> { } areClassTalentCommitVisualsActive = false excludeStagedChangesForCurrencies = false classActivationTextures = <table> { } treeInfoDirty = false ApplyButton = Button { } bitWidthRanksPurchased = 6 SelectionChoiceFrame = Frame { } VisualsUpdateReasons = <table> { } enableZoomAndPan = true bitWidthSpecID = 16 DisabledOverlay = Frame { } } treeNode = <table> { meetsEdgeRequirements = false entryIDs = <table> { } posX = 5100 ID = 62092 canPurchaseRank = false currentRank = 1 visibleEdges = <table> { } isVisible = true posY = 6900 entryIDsWithCommittedRanks = <table> { } maxRanks = 1 isCascadeRepurchasable = false flags = 1 conditionIDs = <table> { } type = 2 activeRank = 1 groupIDs = <table> { } isAvailable = true ranksPurchased = 1 canRefundRank = true } (for state) = <table> { 1 = 115878 2 = 125817 } (for control) = 1 i = 1 entryID = 115878 (*temporary) = nil (*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'activeEntry' (a nil value)"
Haven't gotten any other reports about that. That error should have already been fixed.
Pre-patch must have broken something as the interface is now gone.
Bugsack gives the following error: