LarryBattle / DocuDive

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Create queries to testing the LLM / VectorStore #4

Open LarryBattle opened 1 year ago

LarryBattle commented 1 year ago

## Baby questions
- What's 1 + 1?
- What 3 letter animal starts with D? 
- Reverse the word racecar

## Data questions:
- Provide the name of a names of products from org?
- What does $product do?
- What is the product id for this $product?
c0demode commented 1 year ago
Certainly! Here are some relevant questions for each topic of the business model canvas:

1. Key Partners:
- Who are your strategic partners and suppliers?
- What key activities do your partners perform for your business?
- How do your partners contribute to the value chain?

2. Key Activities:
- What activities are crucial for your business to operate successfully?
- What processes or operations need to be carried out regularly?
- What are the core competencies that set your business apart?

3. Value Propositions:
- What unique benefits or advantages does your software product offer?
- How does your product solve customer problems or meet their needs?
- What makes your product superior to competitors in the market?

4. Key Resources:
- What resources, both physical and intellectual, are necessary for your software product?
- Are there any specific technologies, equipment, or infrastructure required?
- Do you have any key intellectual property or patents?

5. Customer Relationships:
- How do you build and maintain relationships with your customers?
- What strategies do you employ to engage with customers and provide support?
- How do you ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty?

6. Channels:
- What distribution channels will you use to deliver your software product?
- How will customers discover, purchase, and access your product?
- Will you utilize online platforms, direct sales, or partnerships with other companies?

7. Customer Segments:
- Who are your target customers for the software product?
- What are their characteristics, needs, and preferences?
- Are there specific market segments or customer personas you are focusing on?

8. Cost Structures:
- What are the main cost drivers for developing and maintaining the software product?
- How will you allocate resources and budget for different activities?
- Are there any fixed costs, variable costs, or economies of scale to consider?

9. Revenue Streams:
- How will you generate revenue from your software product?
- Will you charge customers through subscriptions, one-time payments, or other models?
- Are there any potential additional revenue streams, such as advertising or data monetization?