LarsNorlander / documenter

A document management system.
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error while implementing #1

Open sirajkrm opened 7 years ago

sirajkrm commented 7 years ago

hi i just saw your project and i wanted to install it i' running wamp server on windows 7 64bit & here's a screenshot about the error


i would suggest to maintain the project and give some documentation any help is very appreciated thank's.

LarsNorlander commented 7 years ago

Hello there!

Ahh yeah, I intended on fixing it up and giving it documentation. Just didn't expect anyone to be using it so soon. I haven't touch this in about a year but the last time I ran it, worked fine.

But anyway, I have a few questions. First, what were you doing when this occurred? Specifically what steps did you take. Second, is this isolated or does the entire system not work?

Also if you could, please set debug mode to true in your .env file and take a screen shot of the error then. That would give me a more detailed report as to what happens.

sirajkrm commented 7 years ago

hi there :) thank you so very much for response i'm a system & network administrator apart of WampServer i have these apps opened.. you know


what were you doing when this occurred? Specifically what steps did you take. ==> searching for software or app for document management system that help managing documents (something very similiar to Dropbox) i saw your project download it put it into C:\wamp64\www\ restart Wamp & access throught chrome

is this isolated or does the entire system not work? not sure if i understand

please set debug mode to true in your .env i think it's already there !


LarsNorlander commented 7 years ago

Ah I see. Actually for this application (and I'm assuming other Laravel based projects as well), if you clone it from git it's not going to work right off the bat. There's a small set up process that I really should have added to the readme file.

When I said "Is this isolated or does the entire system not work?" I meant does this only happen for the url you had open or is the rest like that. But it's ok, you don't have to answer that anymore.

Also, the .env file your using is just an example file and won't take effect. Just create your own .env file named ".env" and place it in the root directory then copy over the code. You'll have to replace some of the values to configure the database as well and mail driver in that file. Unfortunately I'm buys right now so I'll go to more detail later.

I'll actually try setting this up in an environment like yours. That way I would know what exactly should be done.

sirajkrm commented 7 years ago

hi thank's for your indications ! ok for the .env file, it's done and its content is just like .env.example ( as the screenshot in my 2nd comment) now i get these errors


ok then, when you find some time to fix i'll be ready and if there's any possiblity to improve this project (design, performance, fonctionnalites etc..) it would be very exiting and helpful even if it need some donate i'll be ready thank you.. again

LarsNorlander commented 7 years ago

Hi there!

Sorry to have kept you waiting. I've updated the readme file here

I went ahead and setup the project myself on my machine and got it up and running. Aside from the minor bugs I know of already, it works great! I did this on my MacBook and from what I know, you should be able to do this on Windows as well. Though the setup process I know is a little more hands on with the terminal. I don't have a VM just yet to try your setup but when I have the time I'll try updating the readme to reflect that.

That's very generous of you! Thanks! For now I'm pretty fine with just reporting bugs. Please create an issue for each one and I'll address them when I have some time off my day job. I'm expecting to see a few since this was a project I did in my junior year of college.

If you get this to work, please close the issue. If not, keep me posted and I'll do my best to help. Let me know what I could improve with the readme and what I should clarify.


sirajkrm commented 7 years ago

hi ^^ thank you so very much for responding... really appreciate it ! that's First Second, the project is very well documented ! i finally got it working & here's a screenshot


thank you again ! but it seem that i can't login to main page for adminitrating the project i know the user name admin but i'm missing the password and it appears that it's crypted here's a screenshot


can you provide the password ?! thank you again :)

if i try admin as a password it gives me this.. 404


question : the generated key, it suppose to be written in ../documenter/config/app.php ?! why in .env ?

P.S : about donation.. welcome anytime as i said before, ready to help if needed :)

LarsNorlander commented 7 years ago

Hi there!

The username and password for the default user could be found in step 5 but since we're here already, the default user is admin and has a password of admin. The system automatically encrypts passwords. That's how Laravel works.

As for the questions about configuring, that's kind of how Laravel was designed. The config files have the default setup. The .env file contains configurations that are specific to your environment and the generated key is part of that local environment. If I had the app key as part of the version control, someone could just look it up in the source code. That would make it pretty pointless since it was intended for security purposes.

I could see that you've definitely got the database working since you were able to seed it. Awesome!

I think several issues are still there like the 404s because of how the URLs work. I want you to try something. Since migrations work, I know that you have PHP CLI working great. I'm not sure if it works this way with WAMP because these are instructions that would apply to XAMPP but, try shutting down the Apache server in WAMP but leave the SQL server on for use of the Database. Then go to the root directory of the project and open the command line there. Type this command:

php -S localhost:8000 -t public

Then go to localhost:8000 in the browser. Everything should be working. If that's so, you could replace localhost with the IP address of your computer to expose the web app to the network.