Larswad / uno2iec

A commodore (CBM) 1541 emulator on the Arduino Uno, using any desktop PC (or raspberry PI with raspbian) as a media host.
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Qt Creator uses the kit Desktop to parse the project. #3

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

When I go to build it in Qt Creator, it says that I need to import a build. I tried building it, but the buttons are all grayed out.

Larswad commented 10 years ago

Hi Krayzi99! Didn't see your postings until now, but I'll try helping you out. First, I hope you have downloaded the complete Qt of some version (not only the Qt Creator). You need the full SDK, either the MinGW based or the MSVC one. What version of Qt Creator and Qt SDK are you building with? The latest one, open source 5.1 should work:

If you do have everything properly installed, you probably will get that question to choose a Kit on the "Projects" page. On this page there should be a little black box that states the kit you have, inside it there should be a "build" button (for changing the build options) and one "run" button (for changing the run options). You should untick the "Shadow build" checkbox, but that I mention in the README I think. After this you should be able to build the project and run it (providing you have also built and flashed for the arduino as well).

I suppose that what you have done is cloning the project (and also the QExtSerialPort project), then opening the .pro file from inside the Qt Creator. Is this correct? You should also open the uno2iec.creator file from within qt creator in order to see the arduino related project.

EDIT: If you want to, I can build you a static release version (single executable) if you don't want to go through the building process).

EDIT2: One thing to check: You need to press the "Configure" button at the bottom, otherwise nothing will happen!

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the reply. I've successfully imported the project, and have hit yet another problem. When building, it brings the error qextserialport.h: No file or directory. In the project root folder, I have these subfolders: debugfontsiconsqextserialportreleaseuno2iecAnd then a large amount of cpp, hpp, ui, h, and other files.

Larswad commented 10 years ago

Good that you got one step further. The reason to your problem is that the qextserialport project folder must be located on the SAME directory level as the rpi2iec folder. That means you must move it up one level, please try that and let me know how it turns out.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thanks, that worked. Thanks for your help, and thanks for actually programming the software; I just ordered a c64 (coming in tomorrow) and I don't really have the money for a 1541, plus, I would like to try my hand ad developing, and that wouldn't really be possible if it weren't for your program.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Looks like I spoke too soon; I ran the built file and it said that QtCored.dll was missing.

Larswad commented 10 years ago

Oh, it sounds as if you ran your project OUTSIDE of the Qt Creator IDE (you double clicked the .exe in a folder?). That will work for a dynamic version of qt, but only if you have the Qt environment set up in your environment variables. If you press the start button and enter just qt you will probably get a shell icon, run that one and you will get a shell with the environment set up. Now cd to the directory of your exe and type the name of of (rpi2iec.exe) and it will start.

Or... run the project from inside qt creator, build menu, "Run", or press CTRL + F5.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Ok, thanks, that worked. What environment variables do I need? I know there's on needed called QTDIR, and it links to... somewhere... but I don't know where. If nothing else, I just create a batch file or something using that shell. Or, just run it using that, it's not all that difficult.

Larswad commented 10 years ago

well, now we are more into very general qt specific knowledge. That is best learned by using forums or google. The deployment strategy of qt is one of the few things that I think is less easy to use and especially on windows.