Lartsch / FediAct

Chrome/Firefox extension that simplifies interactions on other Mastodon instances than your own.
MIT License
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Icon is ugly - anyone up to it? #30

Open Lartsch opened 1 year ago

Lartsch commented 1 year ago

Hi all, the extension icon was least effort because... there's so much to do on the code-side that I considered more important. But in the end, the icon is the first thing users will see, so it's important as well.

If anyone wants to make a new icon for FediAct, feel free to submit it! :) 128x128 would be great.

vintprox commented 1 year ago

Played a bit with Inkscape. 😊 Kinda wacky: if nothing better comes up, feel free to take it.


License: CC0

Lartsch commented 1 year ago

I like it, thanks for the submission! Let's wait for a few more days for any further submissions but I can go with that.

vintprox commented 1 year ago
Here's an improved version, including duotone and solid variants: Duotone SVG Solid SVG
fediact fediact-solid

License: CC-BY-SA

Freeplayg commented 1 year ago

This seems to be the most used logo to represent the Fediverse, wondering if we could do something with this?

vintprox commented 1 year ago

This seems to be the most used logo to represent the Fediverse, wondering if we could do something with this?

The thing is that, despite its name, FediAct is Mastodon-centric. Because of this, I used Mastodon logo as a reference.

UPD: I think I could adapt Fediverse logo, but first I want to know if it's needed at all.

Lartsch commented 1 year ago

@vintprox It is planned for FediAct to support other Fediware in the future (with Pleroma being the first additional platform, probably somewhen in Januar). So @Freeplayg has a point there. But nevertheless, I think the current submission would do just fine.

vintprox commented 11 months ago

I updated the license for my icon, it should be CC-BY-SA now. I ditched the "non-commercial" clause.