LaserWeb / LaserWeb4

Collaborative effort on the next version of LaserWeb / CNCWeb
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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UI Design Challenges #12

Closed tbfleming closed 7 years ago

tbfleming commented 7 years ago

There are things that make it challenging to design a UI which is easy on new users, but flexible for experienced users. We need ideas.

Let's start with a big challenge: there's a many-to-many relationship between CAD objects and CAM operations.

ghost commented 7 years ago was how far I went with UI on the tree work

I quite liked my own work in that i could select objects, add them to a group, then add an operation to the group. . The cam tab stayed, as a 'simple' version

I also thought my dynamically updating svg helped new users a lot to explain params and their effect

cojarbi commented 7 years ago

Indeed the user experience and workflow that LW has make sense. I did expect the CAM tab to further enhance the current workflow. I do think adding that would cater to a more experienced user. In the end there need to be a good balance and no matter what you design, you will always need to provide users with tutorial, step by step guides, etc. Since there are many that simply don't do click with the US pressented

RoaddogLabs commented 7 years ago

It boils down to what your user base/use cases are. In my experience laser engraver users are overwhelmingly non CAM/CNC type users. They tend to be crafters and makers, particularly at the low end. Even the pro level engravers/cutters don't use a CAM paradigm until one gets to the large flat bed or solid state lasers.

For whom is this tool intended? Is it the users that are traditional engravers and cutters that value simplicity and a gradual learning curve or a comparatively small community of DIY CNC users? A cursory look at the current use case, relatively new users with low end K40s, shows that while these are DIY machine hackers on a budget, for most the grasp of CNC and CAM is minimal, if any. Many, if not most of these users have difficulty installing the tools from a command line.

There is an incredible test bed in the Google group. While directly polling them is not likely to lead to many usable paradigms, observing those use cases, types of user and feedback on where the pain points are for those users in the current rev will go a long way toward guiding a better UI/UX for this rev.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue... the cam tree + drag and drop seems fine to me (: