LaserWeb / LaserWeb4

Collaborative effort on the next version of LaserWeb / CNCWeb
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
706 stars 191 forks source link

Features request #653

Closed remi75 closed 1 year ago

remi75 commented 1 year ago

Hi Possible to have an option to specify number of passes aka redo the CNC job N times ?


harlock999 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Isn't it there already? For laser operation, there's a Passes operation just before cut rate.

Can you elaborate what you are trying to achieve?


remi75 commented 1 year ago

I do not see it ... laserweb 4.0.996 under Linux top left of control i see: X, Y, F and S only firmware grbl 1.1f on my laser engraver yes passes as run the whole cnc job file X times. many users with weak lasers need it, or even for specific situations... :)

remi75 commented 1 year ago

I see, I dont have that option because I load a g-code file, not a graphics file (dxf or svg etc) In that case , is this feature interesting ?

harlock999 commented 1 year ago

Loading the G-code is a different thing. You see, the passes setting is for generating a new G-Code. Once the G-Code is generated, you can manipulate with a text editor such as Mousepad in Linux, you can copy/paste the section you need to be repeated, but you need to understand what is going on with the G-Code. Very often there will be a header to set the machine properly and at times some more lines at the end to turn off auxiliary devices and put the machine in a relative safe state.

But here what you are asking for Laserweb to interpret back the G-Code and figure out which section needs to be repeated. I believe that so far the G-code generator is a one-way process. Once it is prepared, it is sent to whatever controller firmware you have, in this case grbl. But it doesn't interpret it back into a shape, only thing Laserweb knows is position and some basic states of the controller.

Are you generating the G-Code from outside Laserweb? I'm asking because I feel it's more straightforward to save the Workspace, reload it when needed, adjust the number of passes and generate it for each time a new engraving or cutting is needed.

remi75 commented 1 year ago

:) ok, I guess I need like a maro: that loads the gcode execute it, put the laser back at 0.0 and do it again ... oh, going to learn another computer language again (gcode and its macros) ... sniff. If some reader is already familiar with it... I buy it !


harlock999 commented 1 year ago

Well if that's all you need you may want to look at putting a simple command G0 X0Y0 at the end of your GCode. Be aware of other commands that may turn off ventilation, laser cooling or even motor drivers enable/disable. They may or may not need attention.

Have you tried not doing anything special and just rerunning the G-Code? Unless there's something special with your setup, once your origin point is set, it shouldn't matter where your laser is at the beginning of the job, it will always move to the same (x,y,z) coordinates.

Bonne chance!

remi75 commented 1 year ago

yes it works, but automation needed if I need 20 passes, it is not practical to manually restart 20 times ...

harlock999 commented 1 year ago

aaah that's quite an appreciable number of passes

harlock999 commented 1 year ago

Tentatively with a brute-force approach for a one-of file, I'd copy-paste the G-Code chunk of interest with Mousepad to get your 20 number of passes. Try to see what is the header and footer of your file and keep those intacts without copying them.

If you don't mind, it's probably best to move this conversation over to the maker forum.

remi75 commented 1 year ago

ok, thank you.