Laskyyy / Create-Astral

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French translation #103

Closed AlphaGaming7780 closed 1 year ago

AlphaGaming7780 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I don't know if it's planned or if you're going to do it, but here are the French translations for all the 'lang' files I found in the mod pack.

1. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/ad_astra/lang/en_us.json

    "entity.ad_astra.glacian_ram": "Bélier lunaire",
    "item.ad_astra.netherite_space_boots": "Bottes spatiales doublées de plomb",
    "item.ad_astra.netherite_space_helmet": "Casque spatial doublé de plomb",
    "item.ad_astra.netherite_space_pants": "Pantalon spatial doublé de plomb",
    "item.ad_astra.netherite_space_suit": "Combinaison spatiale doublée de plomb",
    "item.ad_astra.tier_2_rocket": "Fusée en desh",
    "item.ad_astra.tier_3_rocket": "Fusée en ostrum",
    "item.ad_astra.tier_4_rocket": "Fusée en calorite"

2. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/ae2/lang/en_us.json

This translation was a bit complicated, because for us "Shimmer" translates to "scintillement", which for you means "twinkle, sparkle, glitter, scintillate, shimmer, glint". I must admit that having a "Pioche de scintillement" (scintillate pickaxe or sparkle pickaxe) sounds a bit weird in French. Therefore, I recommend not translating "Shimmer" to make it seem like an unknown material to French speakers and make it seem less weird to them. To do that, replace all the words "scintillement" with "Shimmer".

"achievement.ae2.Charger": "Production de scintillement",
"achievement.ae2.Fluix.desc": "Créez de la poussière de scintillement",
"achievement.ae2.GlassCable": "Connexion énergétique de scintillement",
"block.ae2.fluix_block": "Bloc de scintillement",
"block.ae2.fluix_slab": "Dalles de scintillement",
"block.ae2.fluix_stairs": "Escaliers de scintillement",
"block.ae2.fluix_wall": "Mur de scintillement",
"gui.ae2.Fluix": "Scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_axe": "Hache de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_covered_cable": "Câble ME couvert de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_covered_dense_cable": "Câble dense ME couvert de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_crystal": "Cristal de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_crystal_seed": "Graine de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_dust": "Poussière de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_glass_cable": "Câble ME en verre de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_hoe": "Houe de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_pearl": "Perle de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_pickaxe": "Pioche de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_shovel": "Pelle de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_smart_cable": "Câble intelligent ME de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_smart_dense_cable": "Câble dense intelligent ME de scintillement",
"item.ae2.fluix_sword": "Épée de scintillement"

3. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/create/lang/en_us.json

Already translated in the base mod.

4. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/dbe/lang/en_us.json

To much for me 

5. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/doodads/lang/en_us.json

    "block.doodads.asphalt": "Pavé d'Andésite"

6. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/dustrial_decor/lang/en_us.json

    "item.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_billet": "Lingot de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_block": "Bloc de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_pillar": "Pilier de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_bricks": "Briques de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_brick_slab": "Dalle de brique de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_brick_vertical_slab": "Dalle verticale de brique de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_brick_stairs": "Escalier de brique de fer d'andésite",
    "block.dustrial_decor.engraved_cast_iron_block": "Bloc de fer d'andésite gravé",
    "block.dustrial_decor.cast_iron_balustrade": "Balustrade de fer d'andésite"

7. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/farmersdelight/lang/en_us.json

    "block.farmersdelight.beetroot_crate": "Caisse de maïs",
    "block.farmersdelight.wild_beetroots": "Maïs de mer",
    "item.farmersdelight.iron_knife": "Couteau en étain",
    "item.farmersdelight.vegetable_noodles": "Guljalabala"

8. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/immersive_aircraft/lang/en_us.json

Already translated, but those (The traduction in the game) are from the original mod. For us, the words "engine" and "motor" are identical, and they both translate to "moteur" in French. If you want to bypass this issue, we can differentiate two types of engines: steam engines and combustion engines, which can be translated as "moteur à vapeur" and "moteur thermique" in French. But the "item.immersive_aircraft.boiler" is not used for any crafting in the modpack, so we can easily ignore it and its translation and only translate "item.immersive_aircraft.engine", which is used in crafting and can be translated as "Moteur".

"item.immersive_aircraft.boiler": "Moteur",
"item.immersive_aircraft.engine": "Moteur",
"item.immersive_aircraft.sail": "Grande voile",
"item.immersive_aircraft.propeller": "Grande hélice"

9. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/kubejs/lang/en_us.json

To much

10. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/kubejs/lang/en_us.json

    "": "Français",
    "language.region": "French",
    "language.code": "fr_fr",
    "addServer.enterIp": "Découvrez de nouveaux royaumes astraux.",
    "multiplayer.title": "Découvrez de nouveaux royaumes astraux.",
    "item.minecraft.bow": "Pistolet de fortune",
    "item.minecraft.crossbow": "Fusil",
    "item.minecraft.beetroot": "Maïs",
    "item.minecraft.beetroot_seeds": "Graines de maïs",
    "item.minecraft.beetroot_soup": "Soupe de maïs",
    "item.minecraft.phantom_membrane": "Membrane douce",

    "item.minecraft.arrow": "Balle de cuivre",
    "item.minecraft.spectral_arrow": "Balle spectrale",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow": "Balle à pointe",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.water": "Balle éclaboussante",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.mundane": "Balle à pointe",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.thick": "Balle à pointe",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.awkward": "Balle à pointe",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.night_vision": "Balle de vision nocturne",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.invisibility": "Balle d'invisibilité",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.leaping": "Balle de saut",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.fire_resistance": "Balle de résistance au feu",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.swiftness": "Balle de rapidité",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.slowness": "Balle de lenteur",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.water_breathing": "Balle de respiration aquatique",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.healing": "Balle de guérison",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.harming": "Balle de dégâts",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.poison": "Balle de poison",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.regeneration": "Balle de régénération",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.strength": "Balle de force",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.weakness": "Balle de faiblesse",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.levitation": "Balle de lévitation",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.luck": "Balle de chance",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.turtle_master": "Balle du maître des tortues",
    "item.minecraft.tipped_arrow.effect.slow_falling": "Balle de chute lente",

    "biome.incendium.ash_barrens": "Landes de cendres",
    "biome.incendium.infernal_dunes": "Dunes infernales",
    "biome.incendium.inverted_forest": "Forêt renversée",
    "biome.incendium.quartz_flats": "Plaines de quartz",
    "biome.incendium.toxic_heap": "Tas toxique",
    "biome.incendium.volcanic_deltas": "Delta volcanique",
    "biome.incendium.weeping_valley": "Vallée pleurante",
    "biome.incendium.withered_forest": "Forêt fanée",

    "biome.nullscape.crystal_peaks": "Cimes de Cristal",
    "biome.nullscape.shadowlands": "Terres de l'Ombre",
    "biome.nullscape.void_barrens": "Terres Stériles du Vide"

11. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/reinfchest/lang/en_us.json

    "block.reinfchest.gold_chest": "Coffre en or rose",
    "container.reinfchest.goldChest": "Coffre en or rose"

12. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/tconstruct/lang/en_us.json

    "block.tconstruct.cobalt_ore": "Minerai de cobalt lunaire",

    "material.tconstruct.desh": "Desh",
    "material.tconstruct.desh.flavor": "Doux, rapide, fiable.",
    "material.tconstruct.desh.encyclopedia": "Statistiques globales moyennes, contient une variété de modificateurs inhabituels pour l'exploitation minière et la commodité.",

    "material.tconstruct.ostrum": "Ostrum",
    "material.tconstruct.ostrum.flavor": "Cela pèse des tonnes! Vous fabriquez des outils à partir de cela?!.",
    "material.tconstruct.ostrum.encyclopedia": "Durabilité divine, mais il est pénible de le manier en raison de sa lenteur d'exploitation
minière. Incroyablement utile pour l'extraction minière.",

    "material.tconstruct.calorite": "Calorite",
    "material.tconstruct.calorite.flavor": "Le métal le plus tranchant des terres.",
    "material.tconstruct.calorite.encyclopedia": "Rouge sang, tout comme vos ennemis après avoir senti le fil de votre hachoir.",

    "material.tconstruct.shadow": "Ombre",
    "material.tconstruct.shadow.flavor": "Aussi dense que la matière noire.",
    "material.tconstruct.shadow.encyclopedia": "Durabilité ridicule. Fait des poignées et des liaisons presque parfaites pour les tiges d'outils.",

    "material.tconstruct.radiant": "Radiant",
    "material.tconstruct.radiant.flavor": "Dur. Léger.",
    "material.tconstruct.radiant.encyclopedia": "La puissance de la lumière elle-même. Extrêmement cassant dans le processus de coulée, il offre des modificateurs, une vitesse et des emplacements inégalés pour jouer avec."

13. Create-Astral/kubejs/assets/techreborn/lang/en_us.json

Go check point 2 regarding the "Shimmer"

"block.techreborn.nuke": "W.O.L.F",
"block.techreborn.deepslate_silver_ore": "Minerai d'argent lunaire",
"block.techreborn.deepslate_lead_ore": "Minerai de plomb martien",
"block.techreborn.deepslate_iridium_ore": "Minerai d'iridium mercurien",
"block.techreborn.deepslate_galena_ore": "Minerai de galène mercurien",
"block.techreborn.deepslate_sodalite_ore": "Minerai de sodalite martien",
"item.techreborn.electronic_circuit": "Circuit intégré avancé",
"item.techreborn.industrial_circuit": "Unité de calcul industriel",
"item.techreborn.machine_parts": "Pièces de machine",
"item.techreborn.uu_matter": "Scintillement raffinée", <- Check point 2
"item.techreborn.synthetic_redstone_crystal": "Cristal de redstone synthétique"
Laskyyy commented 1 year ago

Nice work! If you'd like to add these so we can natively support them by default when installed, rename each one to fr_fr.json (I believe) and place them in the same folder as the en_us translations, and open up a pull request ❤️

arc25275 commented 1 year ago

Along with this, sometime in the future much more of the modpack should be able to be translated; when that does happen I'll update the readme to include instructions

AlphaGaming7780 commented 1 year ago

When I try to lunch the game, I got this error : image

My bad, just saw this PR :