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[BUG]Blaze Burner does not Accept Fluids #288

Open UsualCanadian opened 2 months ago

UsualCanadian commented 2 months ago

Blaze Burners will not accept typical fluid fuels like Lava or Blazing blood when given the straw to configure them. They will accept with a manual right click and bucket but not from being pumped into the block.

DmitryKozl0v commented 1 month ago

Have you been able to give a Straw to the Blaze Burner? I stumbled the fact I can't a few hours ago

UsualCanadian commented 1 month ago

No I still haven’t been able to, the burner will accept the straw and convert but it will not actually pump any fluid into it. Lave, Fuel, Blaze Blood, doesn’t matter it won’t enter it.

KonSola5 commented 1 month ago

Show your setup maybe? Because Liquid Blaze Burners do accept Lava.