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Polish translation #295

Open SzyZuu opened 2 months ago

SzyZuu commented 2 months ago

Miko_boi made a polish translation, I added a translation for ftbquests which got cleaned up by him :3 I'm almost finished with a german translation too (soon tm)

KonSola5 commented 2 months ago

This looks like it's horribly machine-translated, and not thought of at all. For example: "Lead-lined Space Suit" was translated to "Wyłożony-ołowiem Kosmiczny Strój". The better translation of this would be "Skafander kosmiczny wyłożony ołowiem".

Polish Minecraft translation does not capitalize every single word, unlike the English one, so the capitalization in the Polish translation is out of place.

Also, for fantasy names, like "Desh", replacing "sh" with "sz" is usually a good choice, so for example "Block of Desh" becomes "Blok deszu".

Also, "Shimmer" is also a fantasy material here - so probably it would be a good idea to check out how Terraria translated it - I don't own Terraria, so I can't check.

SzyZuu commented 2 months ago

the ftbquests were machine translated as I only had the french json file and couldn't find the english one, then tried to clean up the translation

MikoTheBoi commented 2 months ago

@KonSola5 Yes I did capitalize every word that was capitalized in English to match it better. I also understand what you mean by Desh but we discussed it and decided to keep it Desh because we thought it was kinda unnecessary. I also thought that połysk just sounded better in Polish than shimmer. Even tho I live in Poland I don't spend a lot of my time dedicating my time to it so I don't have a perfect understanding of it and as such used a translator to help me out. It pains me to see that you think my translation were bad, I will try better next time

SzyZuu commented 2 months ago

@MikoTheBoi if you don't have anything against it I can try to fix your translation a bit when I finish german?

MikoTheBoi commented 2 months ago

@SzyZuu Yes you can try fixing it up if it won't cause you too much trouble.

KonSola5 commented 2 months ago

@KonSola5 Yes I did capitalize every word that was capitalized in English to match it better. I also understand what you mean by Desh but we discussed it and decided to keep it Desh because we thought it was kinda unnecessary. I also thought that połysk just sounded better in Polish than shimmer. Even tho I live in Poland I don't spend a lot of my time dedicating my time to it so I don't have a perfect understanding of it and as such used a translator to help me out. It pains me to see that you think my translation were bad, I will try better next time

Try to match the Polish Minecraft translation. For example: This is Stripped Spruce Log. Notice that only the first word is capitalized.


KonSola5 commented 2 months ago

@SzyZuu, the English FTB Quests texts are here:


SzyZuu commented 2 months ago

@SzyZuu, the English FTB Quests texts are here:


Thanks, I'll try to correct everything o7

MikoTheBoi commented 2 months ago

IMO this translation is enough to satisfy the Polish members of Astral. I will also try to fix all of the mistakes you pointed out

MikoTheBoi commented 2 months ago

@KonSola5 is this better?

KonSola5 commented 2 months ago

Additional translations:


MikoTheBoi commented 2 months ago

@KonSola5 Is there anything I can do better?

KonSola5 commented 2 months ago

That's all I noticed so far, if I will have any more notices I will review them.

KonSola5 commented 2 months ago

I still probably recommend replacing the FTB Quests machine translation with one translated from English instead of French, maybe that will reduce the amount of mistranslations.

Because when translating, sometimes context may be added or removed.

MikoTheBoi commented 2 months ago

@KonSola5 Ok I'll get SzyZuu to do that