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Dying on moon w/o space suit freezes player Forever #310

Open whatzittuuyah opened 2 weeks ago

whatzittuuyah commented 2 weeks ago

We accidentally went to the moon without our space suit and died in the portal, teleporting home as we died. Now we are frozen from space, and dying does not remove this. No idea how to fix it. I'm on linux mint

Erdragh commented 2 weeks ago

I currently can't reproduce this. Could you try and provide instructions on how to get this to happen? Or possibly the world save?

whatzittuuyah commented 2 weeks ago

Affected player is WebMasterF, the host. playerdata file is the one starting with f7.

my game was chugging hard by then, and I'm not completely sure the portal mishap upon my death had something to do with it or not. I think something about dying during lag might have done it? I know lagspikes contribute to the item duplication glitch when processing items like redstone chips on belts.

whatzittuuyah commented 2 weeks ago

I just reopened the world and it seems to have gone away...?? I thought I tried relogging last night but in retrospect my laptop froze when trying to load the world and I just gave it a hard shutdown and called it a night. No idea what may have caused or fixed it.