Last-Order / Minyami

A lovely video downloader for HLS videos
GNU General Public License v3.0
561 stars 37 forks source link

[MINYAMI][ERROR] Fail to merge video. Please merge video chunks manually. #29

Closed chakfung2 closed 5 years ago

chakfung2 commented 5 years ago

最後會出現TS檔,能播放。 如果改成.mkv,加--format mkv,就會出現一個5KB的mkv檔案。

H:\Minyami_Download>minyami -d "" --output "指原莉乃&ブラマヨの恋するサイテー男総選挙 - #74:アートの秋!汚れた部屋に裸体♡ 【Abemaビデオ】見逃した番組や人気作品が見放題.ts" --key "b4cce31e26ba80da794b0d7510095a00" [MINYAMI][INFO] Start fetching M3U8 file. [MINYAMI][INFO] M3U8 file fetched. [MINYAMI][INFO] Site comfirmed: AbemaTV. [MINYAMI][INFO] Key: b4cce31e26ba80da794b0d7510095a00; IV: 63d92ac3a2e8eefa4591a52b705b73a4. [MINYAMI][INFO] Start downloading with 5 thread(s). [MINYAMI][INFO] Proccessing 4ueVDyTwKddJed52zasBf3F8VC43FZTmS.ts finished. (1 / 419 or 0.24% | Avg Speed: 0.50 chunks/s or 2.51x | ETA: 13m 11s) ...(太长我不全部贴上来了)... [MINYAMI][INFO] Proccessing 3hT1hh2ksE3rsrEKKz9q1oye9pCq2zGUC.ts finished. (419 / 419 or 100.00% | Avg Speed: 2.67 chunks/s or 13.42x | ETA: 0s) [MINYAMI][INFO] All chunks downloaded. Start merging chunks. [MINYAMI][INFO] Downloaded: 419; Waiting for download: 0 [MINYAMI][INFO] End of merging. [MINYAMI][INFO] Starting cleaning temporary files. [MINYAMI][INFO] Saving task status. [MINYAMI][INFO] Downloaded: 419; Waiting for download: 0 [MINYAMI][INFO] Please wait. Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562484476435 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:297:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:203:13)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:283:5) {

killed: false, code: 3, signal: null, cmd: 'rd /s /q C:\Users\(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562484476435', stdout: '', stderr: 'The system cannot find the file specified.\r\n' + 'The system cannot find the file specified.\r\n' + 'The system cannot find the path specified.\r\n' } [MINYAMI][ERROR] Fail to merge video. Please merge video chunks manually.

Last-Order commented 5 years ago

如果你使用--format mkv,那么你的--output应该以.mkv结尾;试一下,还有问题请继续留言。 你的报错是因为删除临时目录失败导致的。你可以使用minyami --clean手动清理一下试试。

chakfung2 commented 5 years ago


1.「使用minyami --clean」 會出現The system cannot find the path specified. 但是資料夾是存在的 image 所以我直接去以上路徑刪除。

H:\Minyami_Download>minyami clean [MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562487071685 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

(node:7152) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. [MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562486808013 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562486378529 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562486103585 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562485756326 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562485739666 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562485718208 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562485482660 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562485036703 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562484476435 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562483936029 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562487359191 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

[MINYAMI][INFO] Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562487590588 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

  1. 「如果你使用--format mkv,那么你的--output应该以.mkv」 我之前已經試了, 不過沒有貼出來。會出現一個5KB的mkv檔案, 不能播放。 我直接去以上1.圖中的路徑刪除temp的資料夾。再試了一次。都是一樣的error,一樣會出現一個5KB的mkv檔案, 不能播放。

H:\Minyami_Download>minyami -d "" --output "指原莉乃&ブラマヨの恋するサイテー男総選挙 - #82:セクシー女優に俺の甘えテク披露♡ 【Abemaビデオ】見逃した番組や人気作品が見放題.mkv" --format mkv --key "eca40a57a85b3aa7fba94809e5d96224" [MINYAMI][INFO] Start fetching M3U8 file. [MINYAMI][INFO] M3U8 file fetched. [MINYAMI][INFO] Site comfirmed: AbemaTV. [MINYAMI][INFO] Key: eca40a57a85b3aa7fba94809e5d96224; IV: 8e412b9557687d6ab6675f4ec47cb384. [MINYAMI][INFO] Start downloading with 5 thread(s). [MINYAMI][INFO] Proccessing BMSs7U8JnYws3h9kiVW2si6SUci3Zppxt.ts finished. (1 / 439 or 0.23% | Avg Speed: 0.50 chunks/s or 2.51x | ETA: 11m 58s) [MINYAMI][INFO] Proccessing Bh4oTgarVKsVjCaGznmhCR11iiFaZfqkg.ts finished. (2 / 439 or 0.46% | Avg Speed: 1.00 chunks/s or 5.03x | ETA: 6m 1s) ...(太长我不全部贴上来了)... [MINYAMI][INFO] Proccessing F7jFahJChi9QhHyVbGFwaJTnhyaG8ky6o.ts finished. (438 / 439 or 99.77% | Avg Speed: 2.56 chunks/s or 12.88x | ETA: 0s) [MINYAMI][INFO] Proccessing QDoQfwToU2S5wjhjwSwV85SvjvewVuAcU.ts finished. (439 / 439 or 100.00% | Avg Speed: 2.54 chunks/s or 12.76x | ETA: 0s) [MINYAMI][INFO] All chunks downloaded. Start merging chunks. [MINYAMI][INFO] Downloaded: 439; Waiting for download: 0 [MINYAMI][INFO] End of merging. [MINYAMI][INFO] Starting cleaning temporary files. [MINYAMI][INFO] Saving task status. [MINYAMI][INFO] Downloaded: 439; Waiting for download: 0 [MINYAMI][INFO] Please wait. Error: Command failed: rd /s /q C:\Users\(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562488559921 The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified.

at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:297:12)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:203:13)
at maybeClose (internal/child_process.js:1021:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:283:5) {

killed: false, code: 3, signal: null, cmd: 'rd /s /q C:\Users\**(實名不方便貼出來,長這個樣子Aaaa Bbbb Ccc)**\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\minyami\temp_1562488559921', stdout: '', stderr: 'The system cannot find the file specified.\r\n' + 'The system cannot find the file specified.\r\n' + 'The system cannot find the path specified.\r\n' } [MINYAMI][ERROR] Fail to merge video. Please merge video chunks manually.

Last-Order commented 5 years ago
  1. 所以你的系统用户名是含有空格吗?
  2. 请告诉我你的mkvmerge版本(我觉得可能是因为你的mkvmerge版本过低) (顺便一提,hls视频使用mkv合并会带来音画不同步等问题,建议使用ts,后续可以自己再重新封装mp4等格式
chakfung2 commented 5 years ago
  1. 是的,用户名含有空格。所以导致删除临时目录失败嗎?
  2. mkvmerge版本是29.0.0。我換個35.0.0(應該是目前最新)試了都是一樣。不過如果會有音画不同步的問題的話, 不要緊了, 有時間的話我再自己封装mp4吧。用ffmpeg -c copy應該沒問題吧?
Last-Order commented 5 years ago
  1. 这应该是个bug,后续版本修正。
  2. 这个问题我晚些时候看看。ffmpeg -c copy->没问题的。
LidoCKT commented 5 years ago

强烈不建议使用.mkv输出,由于精度问题,包括Abema在内的平台视频出现了很多的问题 原本Minyami也是默认用.mkv,不然为什么改.ts

Last-Order commented 5 years ago


关于 mkv 生成问题,我认为是 mkvtoolnix 方面的问题,已经提报 issue,等待对方回复。


Last-Order commented 5 years ago

Abema 的文件中既不包含 PAT 也不包含 PMT,因此 mkvtoolnix 方面表示不支持也没有计划支持。

故 minyami 也不会支持。