Open xavier506 opened 3 years ago
Error 3200000: http exception
Error Details:
Unable to read http response: End of file
Solución: Añadir -r "Accept-Encoding: identity"
, por ejemplo: cleos -u -r "Accept-Encoding: identity" push action <expression>
transaction declares authority '{"actor":"costarica","permission":"writer"}', but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [], provided keys ["EOS52fADru6HdXxWvWqpDPtmeDAh1gdXit7Q7A25GhCe39nHeWsUh","EOS5oSXwBRZKrGyg5SSo81HGEhpwE9My2x4scGH2RSSTPv6STDjw4"], and a delay max limit of 3888000000 ms Solución: Revise que las firmas estén registradas en los wallets y que el endpoint sea
Error 3090003: Provided keys, pemissions, and delays do not satisfy declared authorizations Ensure you have the related private keys inside your wallet and your wallet is unlocked. Error Details: transaction declares authority '{"actor": "lifebankcode", "permission": "active"}', but does not have signatures for it under a provided delay of 0 ms, provided permissions [{"actor": "lifebankcode", "permission": "eosio.code"}], provided keys [], and a delay max limit of 3888000000 ms Solución: Dar permiso de eosio.code a los contratos en comunicación, por ejemplo:
"threshold": 1,
"keys": [
grant_contract_permission() { mkdir -p ./stdout/permission TEMP_DIR=./stdout/permission
cleos -u $EOS_API_URL push action -j -d -s writer run '{}' -p costarica@writer >$TEMP_DIR/tx1.json
cleos -u set account permission <contract_name> active permission.json owner -j -d -s -p <contract_name> >$TEMP_DIR/tx2.json
jq -s '[.[].actions[]]' $TEMP_DIR/tx1.json $TEMP_DIR/tx2.json >$TEMP_DIR/tx3.json
jq '.actions = input' $TEMP_DIR/tx1.json $TEMP_DIR/tx3.json >$TEMP_DIR/tx4.json
cleos -u $EOS_API_URL -r "Accept-Encoding: identity" push transaction $TEMP_DIR/tx4.json -p costarica@writer -p <contract_name>@active
Incluyamos errores comunes y sus soluciones para el Command Line Interface (cleos).
agregar flag: -r "Accept-Encoding: identity"
Incluir dentro del contenido de command line interface.
@leisterfrancisco nos ayuda con esta tarea?