Latte-Corporation / HardLoop

A Minecraft server project with automated resets and infinite gameplay loops, designed to enhance survival challenges.
MIT License
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Create a Basic Helm Chart for Kubernetes Deployment #21

Open Razano26 opened 2 months ago

Razano26 commented 2 months ago

We need to create a Helm chart to facilitate the deployment of our project on a Kubernetes cluster. The Helm chart should include basic templates for deploying the application, including:


  1. Create a Helm chart directory structure within the repository.
  2. Define Chart.yaml with metadata for the chart.
  3. Add basic templates for Deployment and Service resources.
  4. Include a values.yaml file with default values and comments.
  5. Add a explaining how to use the Helm chart.

Expected Outcome:

A basic Helm chart is available in the repository, enabling deployment of the project to Kubernetes.