LattePandaTeam / LattePanda-Development-Support

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Can I join TeamPanda? #9

Open Untitled86 opened 6 years ago

Untitled86 commented 6 years ago

I've recently created a BSP (board support package) for LattePanda running Windows IoT Core. It's MUCH better than Windows LTSB for many things.

For example, you can simply flash IoT Core on a USB stick, pop it in the Panda and it boots and runs. ...Or you can deploy the image to the internal memory and it boots even faster. From go to your app in ~20 seconds.

My employer wanted to use IoT Core because we're building digital instruments the Panda is used to control. We needed something that eliminated Windows from the user's view. IoT Core does that. With a custom boot logo from TeamPanda no one can tell it's running Windows.

It's also way more reliable. Designed to only be updated on demand (no random windows updates). Administered through the browser, etc.

Basically it's the Windows most LattePanda users want.

I would love to see this hosted/maintained here (as well as on the Microsoft IoT ADK Github repo).

So can I join and submit my BSP?

Untitled86 commented 6 years ago

Oh, and the commercial license is $39. So people can use it for free non-commercially, or pay a nominal fee. People using the Panda for commercial apps will like that.

Untitled86 commented 6 years ago

That's the fee for Windows IoT core. I'm of course not asking for anything for the BSP I put together.

Untitled86 commented 6 years ago

The thread from Microsoft's IoT core repo on this topic...

LattePanda commented 6 years ago

We should do that! Let me follow up to invite you later (Now out of office). And discuss the further plan together!

Best, Lauren

LattePanda commented 6 years ago

Dear Brien,

I've invited you to join in the LattePanda team. You will have the right to create a new repo for IoT Core. We're a little bit busy working on launching LattePanda Alpha and Delta to Kickstarter in this week.

Will talk with you to see how we work together to provide a better support on Windows IoT Core on LattePanda series products. ;)

Best, Lauren

LattePanda commented 6 years ago

We've got some feedback from community. Would you mind to check that?

DiomedesDominguez commented 5 years ago

Dear Brien,

I've invited you to join in the LattePanda team. You will have the right to create a new repo for IoT Core.

Where is this IoT Core repository? Is it private?

prekshabutani17 commented 3 months ago

That's the fee for Windows IoT core. I'm of course not asking for anything for the BSP I put together.

Hey can i please have a method for the BSP you created for the LattePanda please?