LattePandaTeam / LattePanda-Mu

All about LattePanda Mu
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What is the power input of the full carrier? Will you opensource ur bios? #6

Open YongBinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn opened 1 week ago

YongBinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn commented 1 week ago

What is the power input of the full carrier? Will you opensource ur bios?

alphaarea commented 5 days ago

The factory default setting is TDP=15W, it is recommended to use an adapter with a power rating of 45W and above.
If you customize Mu's TDP, or install other accessories, please calculate the system's power requirement as appropriate.

At the request of open source firmware developers, we have provided a DEBUG-enabled BIOS for development.
There are no plans to develop official open source firmware at this time. If you need more support in developing open source firmware, I'll try to help.