Lattice-Automation / seqfold

nucleic acid folding
MIT License
79 stars 12 forks source link

DOI for citations #4

Closed kdoroschak closed 3 years ago

kdoroschak commented 3 years ago

Hi! Thank you for implementing this! There is quite a lack of open source tools for energy calculations, so this fills a much-needed niche.

Would you ever consider adding a DOI to make it easier to cite?

I think this repository/package is increasingly being sought out due to a lack of python bindings for other tools, and I imagine some people would like to cite it in papers (perhaps even citing a particular release for reproducibility). If you're interested/willing, Github makes DOI registration fairly straightforward when paired with Zenodo.

jjti commented 3 years ago

Sorry for delay but thanks for the interest in seqfold. I don't have admin access to the repo to enable Zenodo service, but I will ask @leshane whether we can do this

jjti commented 3 years ago

Thank you for suggestion. I made a release of the module and added the DOI badge to the homepage:


jjti commented 3 years ago

PS: feels more legit already w/ the DOI. Thanks again for the interest/support of the library, lmk what you think while using it

kdoroschak commented 3 years ago

Thanks for adding the DOI! Not every publication allows citing packages but I'm sure some citations will start to pop up (and it's much easier to see who's using your code). So far the library has been very smooth & easy to use!