SIMULATeQCD is a multi-GPU Lattice QCD framework that makes it easy for physicists to implement lattice QCD formulas while still providing competitive performance.
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Imaginary Mu branch #35

Closed clarkedavida closed 2 years ago

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

Jishnu implemented in the old code some support for configurations at pure imaginary chemical potential. We should bring it over.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

Well the smearing test and force test are working. Some things that are left to do:

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago
clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

Well imaginary chemical potential is merged into the main branch. As it stands, the timing is quite good, resulting in a slowdown of O(0.03%), so we don't need to bother with template parameters.

We should still eliminate redundant if statements, it is just strange/confusing coding, and will also give us a negligible performance boost. Once this is done I will close the issue.

I don't want to bother with combining the tests. These are all run automatically by the test script anyhow.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

I have also checked the ForceProfiling on an 8^3x4 lattice, and found a slowdown of less than 0.3%. Next I will check the time for a small amount of RHMC using the test, which is a 10^4 lattice.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

rhmc with 10 steps

after changes: 1m 54s before changes: 1m 52s

So yeah there is essentially no difference in time. With these three tests, we can safely conclude the performance was negligibly impacted.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

The imaginary mu tests need to be much more stringent.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

With the fix in 2daa2c953b4a9ea0af39fb14c196e20482a3b3e0, after removing the if(mu0!=0) statements, I find that SIMULATeQCD RHMC with mu0=0 agrees with SIMULATeQCD RHC with if(mu0!=0) statements agrees with parallelGPUCode standard RHMC.

I am still not sure what is going on with parallelGPUCode imaginary mu module...

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

parallelGPUCode mu=0.4 does not agree with SIMULATeQCD mu=0.4, which I guess makes sense given everything else we've discovered so far. SIMULATeQCD version passes RHMC test with 90% acceptance and passes a detailed reversibility test.

i will try to implement the more detailed reversibility test in parallelgpucode and see how that goes

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

parallelgpu code with imaginary mu passes the more detailed reversibility test as well as the RHMC with 87% acceptance...

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

It appears to be an issue of precision. In particular in the parallelgpucode normal RHMC and in SIMULATeQCD, there are some hard-coded doubles in Whereas in the parallelgpucode imaginary mu RHMC these are rather floatT, which then evaluate to float when the tests are run.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago
clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

I don't really have any interest in getting the imaginary mu to work for multiGPU at the moment, since we will not need it for quite a long time. When I'm done merging in my branch I am going to close this issue.

lukas-mazur commented 2 years ago

Isn't this just an extension of the rhmc? I would expect this to work already for multiGPU ?

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

I would also expect it to pass, but now that you mention it, the rhmc is not tested for multiGPU in the current testing script.

clarkedavida commented 2 years ago

Imaginary mu stuff is now merged in.